Page 5 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 5

For a detailed program proposal contact
                                              (602) 980-3798

                            Our Workshops are engaging as the experience includes people planning, talking, sharing and working as a team.  The
                            message and design of the game or challenge requires people to plan prior to performing or achieving the goal. Our values
                            of Cooperation and Collaboration are integrated into each experience with the main objective of “face to face” or human
                            interaction and communication skill development. And by the way…Having Fun! Program base fee is $500 plus activity fee
                            and facility fee if required  ++ service

                                     Activity                                          Program Summary                                             Fee ++
                                                     Teamwork is great but collaboration between departments, managers and leaders is even
                                                     better. This exercise allows for teams to experience both individual team performance as      $20 pp
                                    Challenge        well as “group goals” that require supply negotiation, bartering and collective teamwork.

                                                     Teams have 90 minutes to design, and then construct a boat or buggy that will send one
                                  Boat or Buggy      person across the pool or track without sinking or going off course.  Teams must first assess   $20 pp
                                     Building        supplies, then create a blue print and show to the host officials. Once the blue print is
                                                     approved they have 60 minutes to construct their creation according to the specs and
                                                     agreed upon design.

                                 The Playshops       Todd & Marsha provide a variety of Playshop – Workshops that engage your team or            $250 per
                                 “Workshops that     audience through discussion and interaction.  Each Playshop provides presentation, playing   table team
                                 engage people”      and processing.  Topics include Work-Life Leisure Balance, Team Engagement, Volunteering,   of 6-7
                                                     Change, Customer Service and more.  They have high rankings from companies and              people
                                                     associations while providing a way to connect your most valued resource “People”.

                                                     Ready for a Golf at Poco Theme Event? Incorporate a build a miniature golf course while       $25 pp
                                  Build A 9-Hole     enjoying drinks and appetizers then after dinner you can have your tournament with scores
                                   Golf Course       and designs tallying up for the top team! Each team will incorporate design ideas, building   $40 pp
                                                     efforts and mini-golf creativity in the process of building a Golf Hole. Pair this with a cause   with
                                                     and build with food product then donate to the local food bank!                              donations
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