Page 9 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 9

The Mixer Game

                                                           THE FUN! Just Go Connect Mixer is a network connection game designed for a happy hour or
                                                           evening of “getting to know” one another at a meeting or social event. It is designed to connect
                                                           people with common interests through the interest “game card”, while also collecting a poker
            Get to know
           others & their                                  playing card at each station. At the last station the participants will connect for interests first,
                                                           followed by laying out their poker cards to see who has the best hand. The person with the best
              Interests                                    hand wins a prize provided by us or the client. Each person receives a card to play the game with

                                      Build                a rotation schedule to place them at different tables so they always connect with new people
                                  Connections              WHAT IS THE CHALLENGE: A 90 minute game that can be integrated into cocktails and appetizers
                                    and Have               with connection stops followed by grab a drink and bite to eat and head to the next table. Each
              Integrate               FUN!                 participant receives a connection card that they must then choose their top interest pick in five
                                                           categories. We provide three interests per category but the choices are flexible and can be modified in
               Food &                                      advance of the program.
              Beverage                                     FACILITATION: We guide your group through the program and provide the printed cards, pencils and
             throughout          Fee:$500 + $25 pp ++      overall activity and energy management. "The Mixer Game" is upbeat and fun as we facilitate and play
            the rotations        Includes $5 pp for prizes  music during rotations and connection time. 7 minutes of rotation time allows participants to grab a drink
                                                           or an appetizer to bring to the next station. The host property provides cocktail round tables and table
                                                           numbers, one table needed per 7 people in the group. The players must show up to their station within
                                                           the rotation time frame or another person can draw their card! We provide one helper per group of 7
                                                           tables to oversee the game. As you can see, the connections are based on the lucky #7!
                                                                                                                               Sample Card

                                                                        ACTIVITY INFORMATION
                                                           This is the perfect interactive game with the guidance of
                                                           the Emcee and key staff. After opening rules, the goal is
                                                           for the participants to meet and connect at each
                                                           • The “Poker” hand is optional and does add a fun
                                                              element similar to “poker runs”, while keeping people
                                                              motivated to get to each new station.
                                                           • One prize for most connections overall and for top
                                                              poker hand (1 per table).
                                                           • We provide all game cards, pens, music and gift card
                                                              prizes through Amazon.
        Contact:  Todd@FunCoachUSA.COM (602) 980-3798
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