Page 10 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 10

Salsa-Margarita Challenge

                                                           Program Overview: Ah! You thought you were going to dance the Salsa in this competition or
                                                           maybe you think “You Can Dance”!  Well there is no Salsa Dancing in this Happy Hour mix & meet
                                                           challenge, but we have some Pico De Gallo, Guac and Margarita Competition for your group.
                                                           Designed to match Santana music with the beat of your group, you may decide to Salsa dance
           Great Happy                                     during the 30 second brand presentation.  If your team (30 sec) Jingle doesn’t match the groove
           Hour Activity                                   (salsa) of your team, then your dance step may cool your team score.
                                                            So we give you a Pineapple and some fresh fruit to use in the presentation and the creation of
                                 Menu Plan-                your salsa plus we provide tomatoes, peppers, lime, salt, onions and more peppers and now you
                                  Prep then                have the competition.  Let’s say everyone thinks they are Sassy at making Salsa yet it all comes

                                Present & Sell             down to the Judges taste buds.
                                to the Judges               Our program provides the perfect presentation challenge designed to allow each team to create
                                                           a BRAND giant label for their Salsa Jar and a 30-second jingle where they may just want to dance
              Connect                                      during their Salsa judging.  Figure that one out as you my consider the Mamba but if you need
              through                                      some dance lessons we can provide those too….well at least a video clip of a Mamba!  Ok we don’t
              Culinary                                     stop with Salsa, we integrate Guacamole and the Southwest Margarita Mix off and score it all for
                                                           the top three places.  Using secret Southwest Ingredients and the team “taste” buds they will mix,
                                                           shake and mash for the judges to score, and we invite your VIT’s (Very Important Tasters) to score
                                                           the creations.  We have eliminated potential injuries by taking the knives out of the preparation
                                                           but have added a 10 minute menu preparation, discussion and debate for participants.

                                                           Inclusions:  Music, activity facilitators, prep and activity supplies, awards, gloves and
                                                           aprons, microphone for presentations and all activity rules
                                                           Not Included:  Food and beverage supplies

                                                                            Schedule Of Events:
                                                                            • Teams Organized
                                                                            • Challenge Presented
                                                                            • Review of ingredients
                                                                            • Menu Planning
                                                                            • Mixing
                                                                            • Presentation

  Contact:  Todd@FunCoachUSA.COM (602) 980-3798
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