Page 11 - Team Play at Poco 2018
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Program Overview: This Team Play Experience will connect your group with an evening of
Food, Fun and Festivities. This is an effective way to enhance relationship building among
meeting attendees while leaving your daytime schedule open for importance business! Our
program options include different happy hour cookoffs from the Margarita “Mix Off” to the
Great Happy "Iron Stomach” Chili Challenge. To add points and creativity we judge a 30-second
Hour Activity commercial on their created brand. Now it’s time to enjoy the food, as everyone is invited
Plan & to try out what was created in addition to their catered meal. Plastic Aprons, Paper Chef
Prepare… Hats, Utensils, Burners, Spices, Pans, Bowls and Gloves are all provided for your group as
then Present well as the Activity Officials who will make the experience energized and well received.
& Sell to the THE MIX OFF: Choose one or a combination of our challenges which
Connect Judges include making Margaritas, Salsa, Pico De Gallo, Guacamole Mix and the
through Fruit Sculpture competition. Teams of 8-10 then divide and conquer the
Culinary cooking and creative sides of the competition where the team prepares a
30-second commercial jingle to share their creation brand. $500 + $20
pp ++
THE IRON STOMACH CHILI: Create It, Cook It and Eat It is the theme
of this Just For Fun team-building experience that combines creative idea
sharing and planning, complete with judging and awards. Using
individual past experiences mixed with the presented food and spice
The Chili selections, participants unite their input and teamwork to create their
Chili Recipe. Once they connect on their game plan, participants divide
Challenge up to plan their menu then cook it to eat it. $500 + $25 pp ++
Inclusions: Music, facilitators, prep supplies, burners, pots, utensils, awards, gloves and
aprons, microphone for presentations and all activity rules.
Not provided: Food and beverage, fresh vegetables, tables, chairs, linens and other meal
Contact: Todd@FunCoachUSA.COM (602) 980-3798