Page 16 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 16

Design & Build A Boat

                                                           In this activity we provide a framework that allows your group to build teamwork,
                                                           improve communication, and practice cooperation while using supplies to build a boat
           embrace the                                     that floats!  Each member of the group will fall into a different role that supports the
                                                           team's overall goal.  From designing blueprints, completing the physical construction,
           design time                                     creating a team flag, and volunteering to ride in the boat, every team member finds
          and planning                                     the opportunity to utilize his or her strengths.  "Design and Build a Boat" is an
              process            Meeting goals             effective team building activity that gets your group working together with an
                                are integrated             entertainment factor that ensures a memorable experience."
                                into decorating
                                   and team                Schedule of Events:
          Through success            chant                 • Welcome and team assignment and rules
          or failure teams                                 • Warm up team testers
           share laughter
             and make                                      • Teams create a team flag, name their boat & create an identity
             memories                                      • Teams design a blue print and have approved by our head Captain
                               Fee:$500 + 20 pp ++
                                                           • Construction begins on the boat
                                                           • Race by heats

                                                           • Final races
                                                           • Awards

                                                           Boat Building Values: Problem solving, Planning, Creativity, Teamwork, Cooperation
                                                           and Celebration
                                                           Tips for Success: Boat building can be used in the beginning of a meeting, company
                                                           weekend or retreat as an icebreaker with your employees to ensure better
                                                           communication as you continue your day/weekend
                                                           What is provided?: Sound, music, team packets with building guidelines, staff/judges,
                                                           and 1st place awards

                                                           Additional Venue Needs:  1 table per team for building, power for sound, pool or bay
                                                           area for racing, trash cans for clean up

                                                                        Contact:  Todd@FunCoachUSA.COM (602) 980-3798
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