Page 19 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 19
Sedona Amazing Chase
Program Overview: Our Hunts & Races incorporate both competition and “get to know you" time
while exploring the sites in the local area. This TEAM TIME challenge always leads to positive
Great way to adult connections because our focus is on People & Performance while having still having
Mix, enjoy FUN. Each program is carefully designed to incorporate the right amount of “activity & leisure” to
the sites & meet the time and interest needs of the individual groups.
learn where The "Story Telling Digi-Hunt" combines clues & cameras as teams write and tell their story at the
to Shop Enjoy A Chase finish destination. Another option, the "Chase & Race" has teams moving through (3) zones that
with photo combine time goals, challenges, and creative team pictures. Add a “cash for a cause” element to
selfies and this event and we will award money for points to a local charity or outreach program. Our "You Be
Blend in a challenges the Judge" challenge includes a culinary tour with a twist while the "Shop Till you Drop"
progressive design allows conference guests to mingle and have some bonding time while others are
meeting. We design the chase based on your input of group interest and needs while working in
Food & the local Sedona experience. $500 base product fee plus the fee as listed
happy hour Fee: $500 + activity fee
activity Non profits ask for our Hunt Options:
group discount fun price! Property Scavenger Hunt: Keep the hunt on property and we will create a photo hunt combined with
clues, challenges and chases. Fun and creative as we scavenger the property, head down to the stream and
look for the hidden treasure. $25 pp ++ any property costs for a hole closure etc.
Story Telling: Teams to tell a story at the end of their hunt based on the journey. They are judged based on
their creativity as well as goals met from the list of items they need to complete on the hunt. $35 pp ++
includes Food & Beverage stop
The Chace: The Amazing Chase combines clues, cameras and location hunts that are part of the team race
packet in order to complete the challenge and have the chance to be declared the winner. The program
blends the right amount of “hustle” to fit the overall ages, abilities and needs of the group to create this
Just for Fun activity or outing. $45 pp ++ includes F&B stop
You Be the Judge: This program releases the group to hunt then find (2) different establishments to enjoy
an appetizer and judge the local restaurant's Margarita of choice. As you taste, sample and judge you will
then score the mixologist for a chance to win a prize. $55 ++ includes drink and appetizers at two locations
Shop Till You Drop: Great lite mixer for guests to get out during the day as a team and visit sites, stores and
a couple of historic landmarks. While they participate in the activity they will connect with new friends and
find the stores to shop in! Great option for before or after an adventure outing. $45 pp ++ includes Food &
Beverage stop.
Contact: Todd@FunCoachUSA.COM (602) 980-3798