Page 17 - Team Play at Poco 2018
P. 17

Playshop Sessions


             SESSIONS FOR BUSINESS AND NON PROFITS                    Workshop                Description
     Todd & Marsha Davis have been designing and facilitating
     workshops for company teams since 2000. The Playshop is a         Park and Recreate      7 out of 10 people are somewhat or very out of balance and this
     unique interactive experience that combines presentation,        “Fun Away from Work     session will help “unstick” people by showing them solutions to have
                                                                         through Leisure      more fun in their work & personal lives.  Show up to work
     playing and processing by your group or team.  The goal of                               happy…..leave happy!
     the Playshop is to release the participants to the values of           Interests”
     the workshop being conducted through discovery and                 Team Engagement       There a lot of reasons people are “disengaged” and Todd will share
     discussions. Today more than ever, people need to                “Fun at Work through    how to inspire individuals to have more fun at and away from work.
     communicate through discussion more than just listen to a           Problem Solving      “At work” is key to engagement and your group will discover simple
     speaker. They offers a variety of Playshop topics that can be         Processes”         tips to improve team communication through “TEAM TALK”!
     incorporated into a team workout, half to full day program.
     They can also “design” a Playshop Workshop to any book,            Be A Team Player      This workshop will review “ten” effective characteristics of being a
                                                                      “10 values of individual   contributing team player within the organization. Interactive
     training objective or meeting theme for your organization.           commitment”         problem solving activities provide a solution for how to engage in
     Our process includes listening and Diagnosing your needs,
                                                                                              conflict through to consensus.
     Designing the experience & Delivering a meaningful session.
     We design Playshops to fit your group’s interests and Needs!          Committee          Ever heard of a committee of “1”?  Or when one person does all the
     The FUN Factor, Friendship-Unity & Needs met and the                 Commitment          work?  This session will teach leadership and committee chair’s a
     Values of T.E.A.M., Together Everyone Achieves More will be       “The 1-5-5 Approach”   proven approach to engaging a team.
     incorporated throughout each session.                               Leading through      A series of “5-7” challenges will provide the process to discover how
                                                                             Guiding          People will follow a leader embraces team conversation and input
                                                                       “Facilitate and Coach   Today’s manager is faced with leading people and accomplishing
                      Table Talk                                          the process of      tasks and find it difficult to embrace “people” as part of the process
                    Discussions &                                          leadership”        because of conflict or lack of effective solutions.
                      Discovery         Choose from                     Managing Change       We like change to be considered “adjustments”.  In this session we
                                        our topics or                 “Value all personalities   will examine the video “Who Moved My Cheese” and then facilitate
                                           we can                       and input into the    discovery to action on the topics provided.  The participants will
                                          customize                     process of change”    discover the power of working through ideas while valuing all input.
                          65%           ones for you                  Fish-Customer Service   We use the Famous Pikes Fish Market training video to discuss four
                     Participation                                    “Make Their Day, Play,  key elements of customer friendly people and an organization.  The
                          and                                           Be There & Choose     key element is “Be There” and overcoming distractions so focus can
                     conversation                                         Your Attitude”      be in all parts of the day.
                    for your group
                                                                         Why Volunteer        Volunteering personally and professionally improves ones quality of
                                                                        “Healthy & Happy      life.  This session will help your group discover the value of a
     Contact: (602) 980-3798                       people volunteer     commitment while also learning how to commit and not be
                                                                           consistently”      overwhelmed.
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