Page 2 - interactive brochure 2015 4
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Why Product Design? Meet the Team! Page 2                              Why should I study                                      Meet the team @
            2015 proved a very accomplished year for the          Career Opportunities - Who we want? Page 3
            19 Year 11 students we saw through GCSE Product Design.
                                                                            Ibraheem Ahmed                  Page 4                          Product Design?                                    Fulwood Academy
            YEAR 10: one of the projects set in Year 10 was a               Azzam Altowaliee                Page 5                 - Great career prospects in many professional fields,
            small design brief, in a similar style to that of the major      Reece Billington               Page 6                                       both practical and academic.    Mr Coyle - Director of Art and Technology
            project, to design a clock. This was a great way to develop        Adam Croly                   Page 7                                                                       - 25 years experience of
            their graphical, technical and  model making skills, in           Michal Ferens                 Page 8                 - Develop a whole range of transferable skills
            preparation for their major project.                                                                                   including problem solving and working to regular      teaching Product Design
                                                                              Aiden Jenkins                 Page 9                                                         deadlines.    - MA Degree in Industrial

            YEAR 11: There are a range of briefs from which                   Amir Khawaja                 Page 10                 - Dedicated members of staff that will offer sincere   Design
            the students can work; this year students chose one of the         Billy Kinson                Page 11                 help and advice throughout the course. Extra support   - A passionate artist
            following three:                                                   Matt Littlefair             Page 12                 is regularly available at lunch times and after school.  - Wigan Athletic fan

                   1. Self-Assembly Furniture - this allows for a wide       Dominik Luczak                Page 13                 - Increase your critical awareness of how design
            range of projects to be made, but they must be flat pack           Qasim Malik                 Page 14
            and use knock-down fittings.                                                                                                                 influences our everyday lives.  Mr Bridges - Design Technology Technician
                                                                            Reece McPartland               Page 15
                   2. Innovative Product - students develop a new              Oliver Ogden                Page 16                                                                       - 4 years experience of
            unique product.
                                                                                 Liam Reid                 Page 17                                                                       as a technician
                   3. Designer Influence - this brief is very broad as          Ben Sudjek                 Page 18                                                                       - BA(Hons) Degree in
            students can choose to design a whole range of products,                                                                                                                     Architecture
            but they must be influenced by a particular designer or            Yusuf Vahed                 Page 19
            design movement.                                                   Elliott Walton              Page 20                                                                       - A keen artist
                                                                               Liam Whalley                Page 21                                                                       - Hull City fan
            Every student was a credit to themselves and the academy
            and we wish them the very best for the future.                    Josh Wilkinson               Page 22                 Year 10 Clock project: De Stijl inspired wall clock by Yusuf Vahed
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