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alone across the oceans. Today, we tween 40 to 70 percent of the pre- and thanks go to both Mike Kuntz and
know everything within minutes of it COVID levels, and all are taking seri- Stewart Tymchuk for heading up this
happening. We no longer have to ous steps to limit or ban shop access project. This study will be available
worry about only our own community of non-employees to protect their staff. soon on our website.
but about the whole world and often News out of the automotive OEMs, on CASF has also made progress in
we can go into information overload, which so much of the central Canadian becoming more bilingual thanks to the
there’s so much tragedy out there. workforce depends, is that production tireless help of one of our Board mem-
CASF has not been unaffected of vehicles continues to increase to fill bers, Danielle Miousse. We have a long
through all the upheaval due to the the void from March to May, but that way to go, but the recent President’s
ongoing COVID-19 crisis. We have longer term, the financial outlook Newsletter and a lot of our promo-
made the tough decision to cancel our might dissuade the general public from tional material is now available, on our
Whistle Bear September 2020 golf tour- taking on auto loans. website, in both official languages and
nament. We kept hoping that the During the early summer, the CASF- our efforts in this area will continue.
COVID cases would continue drop- sponsored Surface Industry Economic We sincerely hope that the world
ping but the almost certain prediction Impact Study by Orr & Boss was final- has better news concerning the spread
of a coming second wave made ized and made ready for distribution of the coronavirus, the introduction of
September look like a poor choice. to our members. This extensive report, a successful vaccine and return to
Whistle Bear tried hard to accommo- completed after much collaboration work of all those who are currently
date us but, in the end, we just couldn’t and research with CASF, governmental enduring the loss of employment by
see how a gathering of 120 golfers, af- and industry groups and others, shows the time our next CASF NEWS column
ter a glorious day on the greens, could what a pivotal role and contribution appears. n
safely meet and dine without undue our surface finishing industry makes
risk to all. So, we took the decision to in Canada and will surprise many. It Bob Smith is President, Canadian
move it to September 2021 and forego has been quite a few years since the Association for Surface Finishing (CASF),
our CASF Convention that year. Please last time such a study was undertaken,
mark your 2021 calendars for the CASF
Golf Tournament, again at Whistle
Bear, on September 21 and for those
who enjoy our conventions, be
prepared for an awesome one in NEW
November 2022! Oven Temperature Logger
We have also taken the decision to Measures and records oven
delay our next “Introduction to Elec- temperature profiles
troplating” course until 2021 for the
same reasons. We are all hoping that 6 K-type thermocouple ports
this pandemic will be just a bad mem-
High temperature stainless
ory by January. This course was so steel barrier box for long
well received last November, and our
industry has a real need for this run times
targeted introductory Electroplating Download, view, and analyze data
course, but it will be back and avail- using PosiSoft Desktop Software
able in 2021. Go to our website for or export to .CSV
more information as we get closer. Wide variety of spring clamp
Our CASF members in Canada con- and magnetic temperature
tinue to take the threat of the coron- probes available
avirus very seriously and the results
show it. A few shops were able to stay
open, though at a greatly reduced
workload which is only now begin-
ning to improve somewhat, but many
Customizable PDF Reports
took the decision to close due to lack
of work, especially those primarily DeFelsko Corporation Ogdensburg, New York USA
involved in OEM automotive or Tier 1-800-448-3835 +1-315-393-4450
work. Today, they are still slow, be- Canadian Finishing & Coatings ManuFaCturing 15