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Alberta Recycling Management Authority Consulting ACCESS EVERYTHING
on Fee Changes: The process for adjusting fees in YOU NEED FROM
Alberta for aerosols resulted from the government’s
modernization of its recycling regulations in December ANYWHERE YOU ARE
2019. ARMA launched a 90-day implementation phase
from August 1 – October 30 to ensure producers and
suppliers will adjust their financial systems to new fees
that will take effect on November 1. CPCA and its
members were provided an opportunity to comment
with the level of fees considered being in line with the
national average for those products.
PMRA Proposed Re-evaluation Decisions for Six
CASE Preservatives: PMRA's recent publication of the
results of the paint cluster analysis for six critical biocides
used in paint further restricts the number and type of
preservatives that can be used in CASE products. This
could have significant repercussions for the paint industry
in Canada. It may force manufacturers to rely on
alternatives in the event that further restrictions threaten
BIT, IPBC, Bronopol and other registered preservatives
in PMRA’s re-evaluation framework. Paint companies
will need to assess the impact of the proposed restrictions
for domestic and import uses of the six preservatives
just analyzed and notify CPCA of any issues for
primary or secondary handlers. It will be useful to have
any additional toxicology and exposure data that
would help challenge the decisions as soon as possible
during the limited consultation period which ends in
early December. CPCA’s Canada CoatingsHUB is the only
Status of Non-registered Biocides with No Intended digital issue management platform specialized
Biocidal Effect: An intentionally treated pesticide is a in legislative and regulatory matters impacting
pesticide applied on or incorporated into the article for a the coatings industry. It provides member
pesticidal purpose (i.e., to control a pest). Residual traces
companies access to critical information for
of a pesticide that was not intentionally added to the prod- chemicals used in commerce in Canada.
uct (e.g., cleaning product required to clean machinery) Members can access, track, and retrieve data
would not require registration in Canada. However, there
whenever they need it, wherever they are via
remains much confusion with respect to the treated article the substance database by chemical number.
policy, which needs further clarification to prevent situations
of non-compliance for paint companies across Canada.
CPCA is now working closely with its technical committees To learn more
and PMRA to sort out the future of non-registered biocides, contact CPCA today!
which exist in trace amounts in raw materials and may or
may not be registered on the Domestic or Non-Domestic
Substances List. Either way, it will have an impact on how
it is interpreted by authorities in Ottawa. n
Gary LeRoux is President and CEO of the Canadian Paint and
Coatings Association. Canadian Finishing & Coatings ManuFaCturing 13