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in the NEWS
the wood industry, and we are excited to share their Jason Schwer joins the Sales
portfolio with our cabinet makers and wood team as a Territory Manager. In his
product customers,” says David Guistwite, Cabinet new role, he will be providing sales
Branch Leader for Horizon Forest Products. support and application expertise to
Horizon Forest Products has been in business Gema distributors and customers in
for more than 75 years and provides a full line the Western US.
of lumber, sheet goods, cabinets, flooring, Shawn Hayes joins the Sales
mouldings, abrasives, wood stains and coatings. team as the Regional Manager for Canada and the Eastern US. He
Rob Galli Shawn Hayes will be responsible for system sales
Gema Service team as a ServiceNet Technician. and management of the distribution network in
People He will be responsible for working with customers his region.
throughout North America, supervising installa-
Gema Adds Sales and tions and providing service.
Service Employees Rob Galli, a veteran Gema ServiceNet Techni- Hempel Welcomes New COO
Gema USA Inc. recently welcomed some new cian has transitioned to the role of Canadian
employees to its North American sales and Territory Manager. He will also be providing sales
service teams. support and application expertise to Gema
Aaron Thompson, new to Gema, joins the distributors and customers throughout Canada.
PPG Receives Two Awards for IT “The achievement showcases PPG’s lega-
Innovation from CIO Magazine cy of IT innovation,” says Jeff Lipniskis, PPG
PPG received the FutureEdge 50 and CIO 100 Global Director, Information Technology.
awards from IDG’s CIO magazine in June. “We are proud to be recognized for this pres-
The award was given to PPG for its ASSET tigious honor, but even more so for our
INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT (AIM) system, team’s ability to continuously innovate and
which was introduced in the U.S. and Canada develop advanced digital solutions that help
last year. Created for PPG’s protective and our customers meet the challenges of doing
marine coatings (PMC) business, the program business in their industries.”
uses proprietary algorithms to help facility
Katarina Lindström
owners, managers and engineers schedule,
budget and optimize corrosion protection of New Executive Vice President & Chief Operating
metal assets. Officer, Katarina Lindström officially joined
“The FutureEdge 50 award highlights Hempel on August 1. Lindström will play a
PPG’s commitment to using information central role in driving Hempel’s strategy, the
technology (IT) to help customers maximize company says, adding it plans to double in size in
their coatings investments,” says Scott Doer- the next five years with Lindström leading the
ing, PPG director of sales, PMC, U.S. “While strategic agenda within operational excellence,
some companies offer corrosion audit pro- innovation and sustainability.“I’m very pleased to
grams that help customers actively manage begin at Hempel,” Lindström says. “The com -
assets, the PPG AIM system is the first that we pany’s growth strategy is very ambitious, but also
know of to feature dynamic budgeting and realistic and Hempel has a strong desire to lead
scheduling capabilities.” sustainability in the coatings industry. I’m very
These capabilities enable maintenance excited to be part of that.”As part of this growth
engineers to more accurately forecast which strategy, Hempel is making investments in inno-
assets will require a new coating or surface vation and sustainability, while strengthening its
repair and when that work must be done. The supply chain and manufacturing footprint,
software also estimates inflation-adjusted particularly in the Asia Pacific region, it
costs for when those repairs are expected to says.“Katarina is a strong addition to our team,”
take place. says Lars Petersson, Group President and CEO.
This is the fifth time PPG has received a “It is important to us to take a leading position
CIO Award. in the industry within market-driven innovation
and sustainability. Katarina will play a significant
8 Canadian Finishing & Coatings ManuFaCturing septeMber/oCtober 2020