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CONTENTS                             September/October 2020

                 Volume 14 Number 5
                 Theresa Rogers
                 SEnIOR EDITOR
                 Edward Mason
                 Paul Fredericks, Gary LeRoux, Jeff Logan,
                 Harshit Nigam, Bob Smith, Stewart Tymchuk
                 FOunDInG PubLISHER
                 Pete Wilkinson
                 ASSOCIATE PubLISHER & SALES
                 Gillian Thomas
                                                27                                16
                 GRAPHIC DESIGn
                 Allan S. Bates                     Industrial Finishing
                 Green Apple Prepress
                16 Decorative Powder Coatings
                 CFCM Canadian Finishing & Coatings   18 Flatline Finishing
                 Manufacturing is published bi-monthly by
                 Wilkinson Media Canada Inc. Subscriptions   21 Powder Coating Quick Color Change
                 are free to qualified Canadian finishers and   22 Waterborne Wood Finishes
                 coatings manufacturers and their suppliers.
                 Subscriptions (six issues): Canada $60.00
                 per year plus taxes (GST #858877210 RT0001).  Plating and Anodizing
                 United States U.S. $57.00. Foreign U.S. $85.00.  25 Chrome Regulations
                 Single copy $12.00. Buyers Guide $40.00 CDN
                 plus taxes.                        27 Zinc Plating
                 Postal Information:                30 Plating on Plastics
                 Printed in Canada. Publications Mail Agreement
                 PM # 41515012                      33 Power Supplies and Rectifiers
                 Return undeliverable Canadian addresses to
                 CFCM Magazine Return undeliverable Canadian  Paint and Coatings Manufacturing
                 addresses to CFCM Magazine, Suite 259 ,
                 2186 Mountain Grove Ave.           35 Colorants
                 Burlington, ON Canada, L7P 4X4,
                 Copyright 2020.                    37 Polyurethane Resins
                 Contents of this publication may not be   40 Chemical Assessment, by Gary LeRoux
                 reproduced either in part or in full without the
                 written permission of the publisher.
                 CFCM makes every effort to report product
                 news supplied by manufacturers accurately,                         Departments
                 however it is not responsible for the validity                     4
                 of any claims.                                                         From the Editor
                                                                                    5   In the News
                    Wilkinson Media Inc.                                            11
                    Suite 259                                                           Calendar of Industry Events
                    2186 Mountain Grove Ave.                                        12  CPCA Corner
                    Burlington, ON Canada                                           14  CASF News
                    L7P 4X4
                                                                                    42  New Products and Technologies
                                                                                    46  Ad Index

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