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in the NEWS

                  his way into the record books.
                    Jafri’s project – which aims to raise $30 mil-  Chinese Plant Gets Water-based Renewal
                  lion for charitable causes within health and edu-  As Chinese customers and consumers demand more eco-premium water-based decorative paints,
                  cation and connect a billion people around the  AkzoNobel says a “huge automation upgrade” will have its Guangzhou plant running at full
                  world – involves creating a painting 160 meters  production of exclusively water-based products.
                  long. He’s been in lockdown at Atlantis, the Palm,  Guangzhou is the last of the company’s four decorative paint plants in China to completely
                  in Dubai, since the beginning of the COVID-19  switch to water-based products. State-of-the-art technology will increase its water-based paints
                  outbreak, where his artwork, The Journey of  production capacity from 88 million liters to 140 million annually.
                  Humanity, is being created.           AkzoNobel says the plant’s upgrades will also bring the company closer to its overall
                    He isn’t doing it alone. He’s invited children  sustainability ambitions, which include 100 percent water reuse at the most water-intensive sites
                  from around the world to send in drawings  by 2030. Once fully operational, Guangzhou will increase water reuse by 70 percent and reduce
                  themed around isolation and connection, which  waste water by 50 percent. Reductions in electricity use and VOC emissions are also expected.
                  he’ll paste into circular portals inside the mam-  “The new plant is a significant milestone for AkzoNobel in China as we strive to increase our
                  moth painting. They’ll act as windows intended  production of eco-premium water-based products,” says David Prinselaar, AkzoNobel’s Chief
                  to lead us to a better tomorrow, as seen through  Supply Chain Officer. “This a prominent sector generating many opportunities for us to provide
                  the eyes of children, he says.      greener paint and coating solutions.”
                    “We’ve always believed that paint has the
                  power to transform people’s lives and this is a
                  fantastic way for us to support an amazing initia-
                  tive through our global ‘Let’s Colour’ program,”
                  says Stephanie Kraneveld, Global Marketing
                  Communications Manager Paints. “The Humanity
                  Inspired project aligns perfectly with our own com-
                  mitment to inspiring communities through color
                  and we’re delighted to have an exclusive partner-
                  ship with such a visionary and exciting artist.”
                    Jafri says his initiative, Humanity Inspired,
                  aims to be a catalyst for true societal change
                  through the hearts, minds and souls of children.
                  “I aim to connect the world and reconnect
                  humanity to ourselves, each other and ultimately
                  the soul of the Earth. I’m delighted to have the
                  support of Dulux and AkzoNobel in this
                  record-breaking project, which has been called
                  the ‘largest artistic, social and philanthropic
                  initiative in history.’”
                    Jafri’s project is being supported by Dubai
                  Cares, UNICEF, UNESCO and the Global Gift Foun-
                  dation charity. He also has the backing of the UAE
                  government. Once the work is completed, the can-
                  vas will be split into 60 individually framed, num-  Howard Marten Announces   tion with modernizing the way it operates. HMFT
                  bered, signed and catalogued artwork pieces and  Name Change         says it is investing heavily in new technologies
                  sold via an online charity auction.                                  and processes to make customers’ lives easier and
                    Jafri, known as “The Pioneer of Magical Real-                      more profitable. The company stressed it is still
                  ism”, is a celebrated artist whose work is owned                     comprised of the same employees, suppliers,
                  by the likes of Barack Obama, Bill Gates, George                     products, management, and ownership customers
                  Clooney, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Madonna.                             are familiar with.
                    AkzoNobel’s Let’s Colour program was  Howard Marten Fluid Technologies Inc.  HMFT offers solutions from spray foam to
                  launched in 2009. More than 2,000 projects have  announced recently that the company name will  liquid paint spraying, from powder coating to
                  been completed to date.           be changed to HMFT Inc. effective July 27, 2020.  protective coatings, from personal protective
                 Head office will remain at 902 Dillingham Road,  equipment to pumps for lubrication, filtering and
                                                    Pickering, ON.                     fluid handling. In-house engineers are able to
                                                       HMFT says after 70 years in business, it was  offer custom-engineered solutions if required.
                                                    time for a refresh of its brand identity in conjunc-

                  6   Canadian Finishing & Coatings ManuFaCturing                            septeMber/oCtober 2020
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