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in the NEWS

                 Chemical Coaters Association       from qualified students were reviewed by the  through the association and its chapters.
                 International Finishing            CCAIFEF Board of Directors who determined this  CCAIFEF accepts scholarship applications
                 Education Foundation Awards        year’s scholarship winners.       each year beginning in January. See the winners
                 2020 Scholarships                    CCAIFEF awarded a total of US$14,500 in  and apply online.
                                                    scholarships to 10 students. “As always, we
                             Finishing              received applications from an impressive group of
                                                    students. What is particularly special about this  AkzoNobel Supporting Artist’s
                             Education              year’s award winners is that in addition to pursu-  World Record Attempt
                             Foundation             ing studies in areas related to industrial finish-
                                                    ing, they already have experience working in the
                 The Chemical Coaters Association International  industry through internships, co-ops, or job shad-
                 Finishing Education Foundation (CCAIFEF)  owing,” notes Sheila LaMothe, CCAIFEF Execu-
                 recently announced this year’s scholarship   tive Director. “We are excited to follow the career
                 recipients. Since 1992, CCAI has awarded scholar-  paths of these students as they are the future of
                 ship money from the CCAI Matt Heuertz Scholar-  the finishing and coatings industry.”
                 ship Fund to students enrolled in programs that  In addition to cash awards sent to the
                 could lead to a career in coatings and finishing.  student’s school account, each scholarship recipi-
                 The year 2020 is the first the scholarships are  ent receives a one-year student membership in  Artist Sacha Jafri, is attempting to create the
                 being awarded through CCAI’s Finishing   CCAI which allows them to gain exposure to the  largest canvas painting ever made. He’s using
                 Education Foundation (CCAIFEF). Applications  industry and benefit from the resources available  AkzoNobel’s Dulux products and hoping to paint

                   Remote On-Line Extruder Commissioning and Start-Up  Other additional benefits are that the system can gather and store up
                   A new powder coating extruder at a factory in India has been commissioned  to 20 days’ worth of extruder process data. This can then be accessed
                   and started remotely by Baker Perkins engineers based in the UK.  remotely for analysis or extraction. Baker Perkins technicians can
                     This is an extension of existing capabilities where, with the customer’s  evaluate extruder process data and advise on improvements to overall
                   permission, Baker Perkins is able to log in to a machine regardless of   equipment effectiveness (OEE), or identify causes to production issues.
                   location and, providing there is access to the Internet, carry out fault-  By comparison, standard platforms offer a maximum of 10 days
                   finding and software updates.                     data logging.
                     This feature has allowed Baker Perkins to modify equipment
                   functionality, including the options to add upstream and downstream
                   equipment to the existing extruder control. These alterations can be
                   made with minimal cost, as the engineer does not have to leave Baker
                   Perkins’ office in the UK.
                     The MPX50 extruder in India is now in full production: a video link
                   allowed step-by-step guidance from a technician in the UK to the
                   customer’s engineer on-site. Remote support was achieved using an
                   Industrial Router mounted in the extruder control panel, which enabled
                   remote PLC access via a Wi-Fi VPN connection.
                     This unit is setup to connect to a specific WiFi access point. This
                   facility allows Baker Perkins technicians to remotely assist during com-
                   missioning / start-up, and then provide ongoing support when required,
                   with the ability to evaluate and give advice to solve problems and improve
                   performance throughout the machine’s life.
                     Crucially, the secure and certificated VPN connection does not have to be
                   permanent and does not require interaction with customer IT systems.
                   Customer security is not compromised as we do not need to access their
                   internal network and there is no inter-connectivity with customer IT systems.
                     This machine was commissioned at the height of the COVID-19
                   Pandemic, when international travel was severely restricted. This is an
                   option available to Baker Perkins customers throughout the world.
                   An additional benefit is that commissioning costs and time can be
                   significantly reduced.

                                               Canadian Finishing & Coatings ManuFaCturing 5
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