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P. 26

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

   2) The parts of a CV: what are they?
   CV´s exist in various forms, with one occurring somewhat more
   often than the other. A good example of this is the functional
   CV, where you organize the document on the basis of the
   different skills that you believe you have. This isn´t the most
   common variant: that would be the chronological version, also
   called the timeline CV. In it you show chronologically what your
   work experience is, what positions you’ve held and what
   education you’ve had. The parts of CV´s are as follows:

 A brief idea about yourself (Your profile)
 Personal details
 Education
 Work experiences
 Skills

   In the following pages, we will deal with each part in some
   detail. You need to study them very carefully so as to be
   able to write an impressive CV to help you get a good job.

   Your profile
   You need to inform your employer of your points of strengths
   and your capabilities. What is your forte? What do you excel in?
   What are your ambitions and vision for the future? How will you
   serve the company you apply to work in?

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