Page 22 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 22
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
a Local amusement.
(4)Strong (…..) The activity of making or doing
Communicatio something not planned beforehand,
n Skills using whatever can be found.
(5)A Memory Like (…..) Being on time for appointments
a Steal Trap or meetings or the completion of a
required task.
(6)Personable & (…..) The ability to know roughly
Outgoing where you are, or which way to go,
even when you are in an unfamiliar
(7)Humor (…..) Conveying information to people
clearly and simply, in a way that means
things are understood and get done.
(8)A Keen Sense (…..) A great eagerness to be involved
of Direction in a particular activity which you like
and enjoy or which you think is
(9)Just Enough (…..) A powerful or compelling emotion
Enthusiasm or feeling toward the attraction point
the guide is talking about to the
(10) Punctuality (…..) the knowledge of people that live
in a certain place.