Page 17 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 17
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
(a) passport (c) brochure
(b) visa (d) media
17. The purpose of public relations is to establish a good ……………..toward
something among the public.
(a) advertisement (c) interest
(b) attitude (d) contact
18. Newspapers, magazines, and books are print ……………. that spread
(a) advertisements (c) medium
(b) brochures (d) media
19. A group of people who work together in a business office is called a
(a) band (c) stuff
(b) gang (d) staff
20. Information offices also give …………….. helpful information.
(a) tourists (c) both a & b
(b) immigrants (d) refugees