Page 16 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 16
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
10. Public relations people within the tourism information office write
advertisements, news releases, and brochures to …………... travel to
their country.
(a) lessen (c) promote
(b) slow down (d) discourage
11. The term which refers to all the ways of spreading information is best
known as the ……………….
(a) Representative (c) Media
(b) Spokesperson (d) Chatter box
12. The news stories that the public relations director supervises and sends
for the media is called…….........
(a) press releases (c) memoranda
(b) dispatches (d) notes
13. The country from which the tourist comes is called the … country.
(a) destination (c) vacation
(b) native (d) origin
14. Public relations people within the tourism information office
place special news stories in the media to help build
…………in the destination country.
(a) depression (c) motivation
(b) anxiety (d) interest
15. A …………….. office promotes travel to the destination country.
(a) representative (c) travel agent
(b) tourism information (d) tour packager
16. A …………….. is a printed pamphlet about a place, product, or company
that is used for advertising.