Page 44 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 44

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

table plate train name day

9. Practice your pronunciation. Listen and repeat these words.
       Each word ends in the sound /eə/, like air.

fair hair there chair where

10. Practice your pronunciation. Listen and repeat these words.
       Each word begins with /b/.

bank book bus beard bag

11. Practice your pronunciation. Listen and repeat these words.
       Each word begins with /ʃ/.

shopping short shelf shoes shirt

12. Practice your pronunciation. Listen and repeat these words.
       Each word begins with /bl/, /pl/, /gl/, or /cl/.

classes blue plate glasses play

13. Practice your pronunciation. Listen and repeat these
       words. Each word begins with /p/.

people pray plate pear peel

Circle the correct phoneme that matches the vowel sound in the
                             first syllable of the word:

1. build    /ɪ/ /i:/ /e/

2. friend   /ɪ/ /i:/ /e/

3. ceiling  /ɪ/ /i:/ /e/

4. guitar   /ɪ/ /i:/ /e/

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