Page 49 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 49
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
13. / ɪə / m) litre
14. / eə / n) liar
15. / ʊə / o) cheerful
16. / əʊ / p) letter
17. / ə / q) later
18. / eɪ / r) lower
19. / aɪ / s) careful
20. / ɜ: / t) litter
Check your answer
/ i: / litre / ɪ / litter / e / letter / æ / latter / ɑ:
/ laughter / ɒ / lottery / ɔ: / laundry / ʊ / looking / u:
/ loser / ʌ / lover / ɜ: / murder / ə / supply / eɪ / later /
əʊ / lower / aɪ / liar / aʊ / louder / ɔɪ / noisy / ɪə
/ cheerful / eə / careful / ʊə / tourist
Pronunciation of the letter c
Determine how the letter 'c' is pronounced in each of the
following words and why: /s/ or /k/
cent: cot: cloud: cat:
cut: city: class: cross:
scent: Concept: back: Scissors:
since: accuse: accent: static:
In each of the following sentences, underline the letter c if
it is pronounced as /s/ and circle it if it is said as /k/:
1) I received some exciting news yesterday.
2) To succeed in life it's necessary to keep learning.