Page 64 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 64
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
My boss didn’t want to increase my salary so
I decided to (re-sign, resign). This will be my
last week of work.
I love my current job, so I happily ((re-sign,
resign) for another year.
5. Advice and Advise
My father gave me one piece of (advise,
advice – “Always be on time.”
She always (advises, advices) me to invest
my money more carefully.
6. Affect and Effect
I’m worried that your lazy habits will (effect,
affect) your studies.
Before you start an argument with your boss,
consider the (effects, affects) of your actions.
7. Compliment and Complement
I always (complement, compliment) my wife
on her delicious cooking.
My blue tie really (complements,
compliments) my white shirt (my blue tie and
white shirt go well together).
That baked potato (complements,
compliments) the meat dish well.
I gave my wife a (complement,
compliment) on her delicious cooking.
8. Disinterested and Uninterested