Page 64 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 64

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

 My boss didn’t want to increase my salary so
   I decided to (re-sign, resign). This will be my
   last week of work.

 I love my current job, so I happily ((re-sign,
   resign) for another year.

5. Advice and Advise

 My father gave me one piece of (advise,
   advice – “Always be on time.”

 She always (advises, advices) me to invest
   my money more carefully.

6. Affect and Effect

 I’m worried that your lazy habits will (effect,
   affect) your studies.

 Before you start an argument with your boss,
   consider the (effects, affects) of your actions.

7. Compliment and Complement

 I always (complement, compliment) my wife

on her delicious cooking.

 My blue tie really (complements,

compliments) my white shirt (my blue tie and

white shirt go well together).

 That  baked                 potato (complements,

compliments) the meat dish well.

 I gave my wife a (complement,

compliment) on her delicious cooking.

8. Disinterested and Uninterested

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