Page 66 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 66

English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh

 If we drive               any (further, farther) tonight
   we’ll be too              tired to continue driving

11. Hanged and Hung

    I (hanged, hung) the painting on the wall and
       I hung my clothes on the clothes line.

    The judge sentenced the murderer to
       be (hanged, hung).

    The criminal was (hanged, hung) in the

12. Dairy and diary

 A (dairy, diary) is a book with a separate
   space for every day of the year so you can
   write what you have done or are planning to
   do each day.

 (Dairy, Diary) products are foods made from
   milk, like butter, cheese or yoghurt.

13. Eligible and illegible

 Jennifer wasn't (illegible, eligible) to apply
   for the job because she didn't have all the
   right qualifications.

 His handwriting was so bad that it
   was (illegible, eligible).

14. Audible and edible

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