Page 92 - لغة أجنبية أولى 7
P. 92
English for Tourism & Hospitality (107) by Prof. Adel AlSheikh
2) Compound nouns
In English we can use nouns as adjectives. For example:
Water sport Stork sanctuary Adventure tour
The relationship between the two nouns can be of many kinds, including:
Place: mountain slopes, city center
Time: summer holiday, weekend break
Function: golf course, swimming pool
Material: paper bag, iron bridge, stone cathedral
A) Match the nouns in A and B.
Theme City
Tour Sports
Shopping Trip
Boat Park
Water Guide
Capital Mall
Compound Nouns Exercises
B) Choose the word that makes each of these nouns into a compound noun.
1. Fund __________ (A – driver, B – seat, C – raiser)
2. News __________ (A– paper, B – story, C – travels)
3. Sun ____________ (A– day, B – glasses, C – heat)
4. Child ___________ (A – hood, B – ren, C – play)