Page 14 - Knots
P. 14
Rope Materials
Until the second half of the 20th century all rope was made
from natural plant fibers. Since then, however, synthetic
fibers have taken over, and now most rope is manufactured
from synthetic materials.
Natural rope
The most common natural fibers in use today are cotton, sisal, and
manila. They are esthetically pleasing but tend to decay quickly
and wear out faster than synthetic fibers.
Cotton Stretchy and soft
Fibers of cotton grow around to touch.
the seeds of the plant. They Used mainly for
can be used to make soft, decorative purposes.
smooth ropes.
Commonly used for
animal leashes.
Sisal Inexpensive and
Fibers of sisal are stiff and fairly coarse.
come from the agave plant.
Holds knots well.
Can be treated with
a waterproofing agent,
making it suitable for
exposure to moisture.
Manila One of the strongest
Fibers of manila come from natural ropes.
the abaca plant. Less susceptible
to decay than
sisal and cotton.