Page 15 - Knots
P. 15
Synthetic rope
Synthetic fibers are stronger than natural fibers and are resistant
to decay. The most common synthetics used for making rope are
polypropylene, polyester, and nylon.
Polypropylene is relatively
inexpensive and varied
in form.
Has a tendency to break Floats in water.
down in sunlight—needs
to be treated against Slightly slippery—
ultraviolet rays. needs to be tied with
a secure knot.
More liable to chafe than
other synthetic fibers.
Polyester is one of the best
ropes for outdoor use.
Wears well—resistant to
chafing and sunlight. Can be purchased
prestretched, meaning
As strong as nylon but
there will be minimal
has less stretch. stretch during use.
Nylon fibers were the
first synthetic material to
be used for making rope.
Has a degree of stretch—
particularly good for Tends to stiffen over time.
absorbing shock loads.
Resists the ultraviolet rays
Good for making ropes in sunlight better than
used for mooring boats polypropylene, but not as
and climbing. well as polyester.