Page 6 - Knots
P. 6
AND DELHI 6 Introduction
7 About This Book
Project Editor Ed Wilson
Project Art Editor Keith Davis
Production Editor Ben Marcus GETTING STARTED
Production Controller Mandy Inness
Jacket Designer Silke Spingies 10 Rope Construction
Managing Editor Stephanie Farrow 12 Rope Materials
Managing Art Editor Lee Griffiths 14 Rope Maintenance
US Editor Rebecca Warren 16 Storing Rope
Americanizer Jill Hamilton 18 Terms and Tools
Photography Sam Scott-Hunter 20 Techniques
Senior Editor Nidhi Sharma STOPPER KNOTS
Editor Pallavi Singh 28 Overhand Knot
Designers Simran Kaur, Vikas 30 Slipped Overhand Knot
Sachdeva, Kanika Mittal 32 Double Overhand Knot
DTP Designer Shanker Prasad
DTP Manager Balwant Singh 34 Best for... Sailing
Managing Art Editor 38 Figure-Eight
Romi Chakraborty 40 Slipped Figure-Eight
Managing Editor Saloni Talwar 42 Stopper Knot
First American Edition, 2012 44 Sink Stopper Knot
Published in the United States 47 Stevedore Knot
by DK Publishing
375 Hudson Street 49 Monkey’s Fist
New York, New York 10014 54 Crown Knot
11 12 13 14 15 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 56 Wall Knot
001 – 183048 – April/2012 58 Matthew Walker Knot
Copyright © 2012 Dorling 61 Manrope Knot
Kindersley Limited
All rights reserved. 72 Diamond Knot
Without limiting the rights reserved
under copyright above, no part of BINDING KNOTS
this publication may be reproduced, 80 True Lover’s Knot
stored in a retrieval system, or 82 Sailor’s Cross
transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, 85 Square Knot
photocopying, recording, or 87 Slipped Square Knot
otherwise, without the prior written
permission of both the copyright 90 Slipped Square Knot Doubled
owner and the publisher of this book. 92 Granny Knot
Published in Great Britain by 94 Thief Knot
Dorling Kindersley Limited.
96 Surgeon’s Knot
A catalog record for the book is 98 Surgeon’s Knot with
available from the Library of
Congress. Second Tuck
99 Turquoise Turtle
ISBN 978-0-7566-9054-0
102 Packer’s Knot
DK books are available at special
discounts when purchased in bulk 105 Clove Hitch
for sales promotions, premiums, 107 Clove Hitch—
fund-raising, or educational use. Second Method
For details, contact: DK Publishing
Special Markets, 375 Hudson 1o9 Constrictor Knot
Street, New York, New York 10014 or 111 Timber Hitch 114 Boa Knot
Color reproduction by Scanhouse, 117 Turk’s Head—Three Lead
Printed and bound in China by Four-Bight
Hung Hing Printing Group. 124 Best for... Household
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