Page 7 - Knots
P. 7
128 Turk’s Head—Four Lead 248 Bowline with Stopper
Five-Bight 249 Figure-Eight Loop
133 Turk’s Head—Five Lead 251 Threaded Figure-Eight Loop
Four-Bight 253 Overhand Loop
255 Double Overhand Loop
BENDS 257 Double Overhand
140 Sheet Bend Sliding Loop
142 Tucked Sheet Bend 259 Bowline on the Bight
144 Double Sheet Bend 262 Portuguese Bowline
146 Rope Yarn Knot 265 Spanish Bowline
148 Carrick Bend 267 Angler’s Loop
150 Hunter’s Bend 269 Single Figure-Eight
152 Lanyard Knot Loop on the Bight
155 Ashley’s Bend 271 Englishman’s Loop
157 Fisherman’s Knot 273 Double Englishman’s Loop
160 Double Fisherman’s Knot 274 Best for... Fishing
164 Best for... Climbing 278 Blood Dropper Knot
168 Blood Knot 280 Bimini Twist
172 Water Knot 283 Basic Net
285 Cargo Net Knot
HITCHES 287 Jury Mast Knot
176 Rolling Hitch
178 Mirrored Rolling Hitch BRAIDS & SENNITS
180 Round Turn & Two Half Hitches 292 Three-strand Flat Braid
182 Buntline Hitch 294 Four-strand Flat Braid
184 Fisherman’s Bend 296 Five-strand Flat Braid
186 Best for... Camping 298 Six-strand Flat Braid
190 Cow Hitch 300 Seven-strand Flat Braid
191 Pedigree Cow Hitch 302 Best for... Gifts
192 Cow Hitch with Toggle 306 Ocean-Braid Mat
194 Sheepshank 311 Oval Mat
196 Sheepshank Man o’ War 316 Chain Sennit
199 Marlinspike Hitch 319 Four-strand Round Sennit
201 Highwayman’s Hitch 321 Eight-strand Square Sennit
203 Waggoner’s Hitch 324 Round Crown Sennit
205 Snelling a Hook 327 Six-strand Round Crowning
207 Clinch Knot 330 Square Crown Sennit
208 Improved Clinch Knot
2o9 Palomar Knot SPLICES & WHIPPINGS
211 Square Lashing 334 Back Splice
215 Diagonal Lashing 342 Eye Splice
218 Best for... Gardening 347 Short Splice
222 Sheer Lashing 364 Tapering a Splice
225 Icicle Hitch 370 Best for... Horses
228 Prusik Knot 374 Common Whipping
230 Bachmann Knot 376 French Whipping
232 Klemheist Knot 379 Sailmaker’s Whipping
234 Italian Hitch 383 Palm & Needle Whipping
235 Reversed Italian Hitch 387 Seizing
390 Stitch & Seize
238 Alpine Butterfly
240 Bowline 394 Glossary
242 Bowline—Second Method 396 Index
245 Bowline with Two Turns 400 Acknowledgments