Page 24 - Rappelling
P. 24

Helmets                                        the warning comes from 100 feet or more away,
                                                                    you may want to look up, judge the trajectory, and
                     Rockfall is a constant threat while rappelling and is   move aside accordingly. If the signal comes from
                     caused by your rope coming into contact with the   just above you, and you haven’t seen it happen, you
                     cliff, particularly if you swing from side to side and   might just want to hunker down and not look up,
                     especially if there is loose rock on the cliff. Be par-  so as not to get hit in the face. Obviously, wearing a
                     ticularly aware when you are at the base of the cliff,   helmet is a good idea when rappelling and hanging
                     especially if other rappellers are at the top, rigging   out at the bottom of the cliff.
                     anchors and setting ropes, as rocks are easily dis-  Whether or not you choose to wear a helmet
                     lodged by ropes being pulled around. If you are on   is up to you, but be aware that many fatal climbing
                     the cliff or at the top of the cliff and dislodge a rock   incidents could have been prevented by wearing a
                     (or any object), the universal signal is “ROCK!”   helmet. Rockfall, whether caused by other rappel-
                     How loud the signal is yelled usually signifies the   lers, the rope, or natural causes, is always a danger.
                     size of the rock. My closest calls in over thirty years   Top brands of climbing helmets include Petzl, Black
                     of climbing have been with near-miss rockfalls. If   Diamond, Mammut, and Camp USA.

                     Helmets increase safety in a cliff environment.

                                                                                                Equipment    13

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