Page 20 - Rappelling
P. 20

feet). These are the standard precut lengths you can   It is not a good idea to borrow or rent a rope,
                     buy from a climbing shop. Static and low-stretch   because you don’t know its history. Don’t lend out
                     ropes are commonly sold in precut lengths and are   your rope, and keep track of its history and how
                     also sold directly from spools, cut to your desired   long you’ve had it. Most manufacturers recom-
                     length.                                        mend keeping a rope for no longer than five to
                                                                    seven years, even with minimal use, and no longer
                     Rope Care and Use                              than ten years even if the rope has been stored and
                     When buying a rope for rappelling, purchase from   never used.
                     a climbing shop that specializes in selling climbing   Inspect your rope by running your hand over
                     gear.                                          the entire length of the sheath when coiling and
                        Any reputable climbing shop will only stock   uncoiling the rope. Visually inspect for excessively
                     the top brands, like Sterling, Maxim, Beal, Blue-  worn areas on the sheath, and feel for irregularities
                     water, Mammut, Edelrid, Edelweiss, Petzl, Millet,   (voids, flat spots, etc.) in the core. Your rope should
                     Metolius, and PMI.                             be retired (or cut to a shorter length) if you see the
                        Avoid setting up a rappel where your rope   sheath is excessively worn or frayed, exposing the
                     might abrade or cut over an edge. This can severely   core, or if there are any anomalies in the core. Mul-
                     weaken or ruin your sheath in just one rappel!   tiple fast rappels can burn the sheath of your rope,
                     Avoid standing or stepping on your rope, as this   a result of heat generated by the friction between
                     can grind sharp pebbles and grit through the   your rope and your rappel device. If the sheath
                     sheath and into the core. Minimize your rope’s   feels glazed or melted, the rope should be retired.
                     exposure to UV light, as this will weaken the fibers
                     over time. Store your rope in a shaded, dry place.   Coiling and Uncoiling Your Rope
                        If your rope gets dirty, you can wash it by   When you buy a new rope, take extra care the first
                     hand in a tub or in a washing machine (preferably   time you uncoil it to prevent kinking. The best
                     a front-loading washing machine, because a top-  method is to simply unroll the rope from the coil,
                     loading machine’s agitator will abrade the rope)   as if pulling it off a spool, holding the rope and
                     with hot water and a soap suitable for nylon. If   rotating the coil until the entire rope is stacked on
                     washing your rope in a bathtub, make sure the tub   the ground, keeping the rope free from any twists.
                     is free from any chemicals that may damage it. I   Once the rope is in a loose pile, inspect the rope by
                     daisy chain the full length of my rope before wash-  running it foot by foot through your hands from
                     ing it in a machine to keep it from getting tangled.   one end to the other, then coil it with the butterfly
                     Let your rope dry by hanging it in a shaded area.  coil method.
                        Be vigilant, and protect your rope from coming
                     into contact with any chemicals that contain acids,   Backpacker or Butterfly c oil
                     bleaching or oxidizing agents, or alkalines. Acid is   The backpacker, or butterfly, coiling method puts
                     the archenemy of nylon and can severely weaken   fewer kinks in your rope. It is also the fastest way to
                     nylon and polyester fibers. Be extremely cautious   coil a rope, since you start with both ends and coil
                     to avoid exposing your rope to battery acid or   a doubled rope. I start by measuring two and a half
                     any type of acid that may be encountered in your   arm lengths (both arms extended), then begin the
                     garage or the trunk of your car. It is wise to store   butterfly.
                     your rope in a rope bag.

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