Page 15 - Rappelling
P. 15

My first rope—the classic Goldline.

                                              Dynamic Rope Types
                    D    ynamic ropes are sold in single, double, and twin configurations.

                            A single rope (marked on the label with a 1 inside a circle) is the most commonly used rope
                    for rock climbing and rappelling and is used as a single strand.
                       A half rope (marked on the label with a  ⁄2 inside a circle) is used primarily for alpine rock climb-
                    ing and mountaineering and consists of a pair of ropes both tied in to the leader, who alternates clip-
                    ping one strand at a time into protection. This configuration reduces rope drag through protection and
                    allows the leader to belay two followers at the same time, each of whom is tied to one strand. It also
                    provides two full-length ropes to facilitate a rappel descent.
                       A twin rope (marked with two overlapping circles) is used primarily in alpine climbing and should
                    only be used with the two strands together; each climber ties into both strands and both strands are
                    clipped into points of protection. The big advantage is that it allows for retrievable rappels the length of
                    the rope, and it is lighter than a half rope. A single strand should not be used alone, however.

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