Page 12 - FE Blue Summer 2019 Final
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Museum                                                 help the Museum continue to grow.  Board members
                                                               and all staff are all unpaid volunteers; all proceeds
        (Continued from Page 11)                               from admission, donations and gift shop sales directly
                                                               support the Museum’s mission to collect, preserve,
        excellence, and were the ones who always answered      and share the MSP’s history and expertise.
        the call to maintain public safety in so many different
        forms over the years. This dedication resonated with   The Museum is always on the lookout for additional
        me, and I wanted to be part of preserving that history   volunteers, and of course, ongoing financial support
        and to contribute to that legacy throughout my career.”  is needed and gratefully welcomed. The Board notes
                                                               that the facility provides a rewarding volunteer op-
        He began volunteering at the Museum following the      portunity for anyone interested in history, education,
        fire, and for his first task designed a display of the 42   marketing, antique vehicle maintenance, collections
        Massachusetts State Police and Metropolitan Police     management and preservation, and even graphic or
        officers who were killed in the line of duty. He subse-  interior design.
        quently attained a seat on the Board of Directors, and
        that eventually led to his election as Vice President.  Department members can contribute financially to the
                                                               Museum and Learning Center’s initiatives through the
        Bernstein points out that the Museum’s offerings don’t   Payroll Deduction Plan, where a small tax deductible
        end with its impressive artifacts. Just as the Officers   donation is made each pay period (a donation form is
        and Board continue to work to grow the collection, the   available on Docushare for sworn and civilian mem-
        classroom component of the Museum continues to         bers). Department personnel, retirees, and any history
        expand, as it has hosted events about careers in pub-  buff can also contribute through the donation of pho-
        lic safety, law enforcement, science, and technology   tographs, artifacts, memorabilia or historical uniforms
        disciplines for young people.                          for the collections.

        “Most members of the public do not realize the         “Sadly, many artifacts, badges, handcuffs, motorcy-
        wide-ranging responsibilities of the State Police      cles, cruisers, uniforms, and firearms have fallen into
        past and present, as their only visibility is usually   private ownership or have been lost through fire or
        our uniformed Field Services Division,” Lt. Bernstein   negligence,” Board member and retired Lieutenant
        said. “This year our Learning Center offered more      Colonel Guilmette noted. “And because of a lack of
        than 10 different short courses to youth, relating law   funding, many of these artifacts will be lost forever.
        enforcement procedures to the Massachusetts K-12       We need your financial assistance. We cannot exist
        Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)       without it. For active troopers, we need your week-
        curriculum.  Those youths who participated, and their   ly contribution made though the employee payroll
        parents, were able to see how their primary educa-     deduction program. For our retired members we still
        tion correlates to possible future careers in various   need your financial support through a donation made
        criminal justice fields, and the events foster positive   directly to the museum. Together, we can preserve
        police-community relations.”                           our history of service to the citizens of the Common-
        The Museum plans to continue hosting book signings
        for MSP authors, and thus far has hosted readings by    The Massachusetts State Police Museum
        Lieutenant Colonel Guilmette, Lieutenant (ret.) James      and Learning Center is located at 308
        Redfren, and Lieutenant (ret.) Mike Conti of their          Providence Rd., South Grafton, and
                                                                     is open for visitors Tuesdays from
        The Museum and Learning Center doesn’t just keep         11a.m.-2 p.m. and the second and fourth
        it in house, either. Over the last year, the organization   weekend of every month from 12 p.m.-
        has committed to its own version of Antiques Road-           3 p.m.  Special group tours can be
        show, taking its Mobile Museum and antique cruisers
        on tour around the state and beyond.                    accommodated by advance appointment.
        Five active MSP members serve on the Museum’s            Check out their website at www.mspmlc.
        current Board, as do several retired members from         org or “Like” them on Facebook (www.
        the ranks of Trooper through Lieutenant Colonel, to see the latest
        assisted by several other interested community mem-         news and special event schedules.
        bers who selflessly give their time and experience to
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