Page 7 - FE Blue Summer 2019 Final
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Gaming Unit property. The assignment has
proven to be a very busy one,
(Continued from facing page) with the majority of Springfield
activity occurring during the late
The Boston office is charged with evening and early morning.
conducting complex background
and financial investigations into In the weeks prior to this June’s
casino executives, management, Encore Boston Harbor opening,
employees as well as vendor the Gaming Enforcement Unit
companies and related executives for Encore, led by Lieutenant
seeking to participate in the Timothy Babbin and consisting
gaming industry in the of MSP and Everett Police
Commonwealth. personnel, began its 24/7
coverage of the facility. The
Since 2013, these investigations routinely have GEU is responsible for policing the entire gaming
taken Troopers throughout the United States and, establishment – the casino floor, the hotel, back of
occasionally, around the globe. These in-depth the house and administrative areas, restaurants, retail
investigations are done alongside civilian regulatory areas, nightclubs, the parking garage, and convention
and financial investigators and encompass all and outdoor lawn event areas.
aspects of the gaming industry. Most recently,
the unit investigated sexual assault allegations For months prior to the opening, GEU Encore
concerning Wynn Resorts, the owner of the Encore members attended three months of training sessions,
brand, to ensure suitability to operate a casino in learning the industry’s games and aspects of gaming-
Massachusetts under state law. related investigations. The training also covered
domestic violence, human trafficking, cheating scams,
Since June 2015, the GEU has operated at the active shooter response, background investigations,
Plainridge Park Casino and Racecourse on all and case studies and investigations presented by the
three shifts, seven days per week. Currently led by Rhode Island State Police Gaming Unit.
Lieutenant Michael Scanlan, the GEU at Plainridge
Park has provided an important public safety Since its opening, Encore Boston Harbor has likewise
presence, conducting whatever enforcement actions proven a very busy assignment with large crowds
have been necessary. Investigations involving attending from the outset and continuing through
Plainridge have led to discovery of several cheating or July, particularly on weekends. The GEU has
scam activities by organized groups. fostered a strong relationship with Encore’s Security
and Surveillance staff working closely with them to
The Racing Division of the GEU, currently led by address any criminal activity or public disorder. To
Sergeant Mark Taccini, provides police services at date, this cooperative effort has resulted in delivery of
Plainridge as well as during designated racing dates superior policing services in a wide range of du ties,
at Suffolk Downs in East Boston. Racing enforcement including enforcement activity, site security, medical
duties include background investigations on assistance, and crowd control. As at Plainridge and
owners, trainers, harness drivers, jockeys and track Springfield, the GEU in Everett, as expected, has
employees, all of whom must be properly vetted and assumed an important role in the MSP’s overall law
licensed. Troopers work with Gaming Commission enforcement mission and the state’s duties to safely
staff conducting administrative inspections of the oversee casino betting.
grounds and investigating criminal or regulatory
violations as they pertain to horse racing. The GEU can be reached at the follow-
ing numbers which are monitored 24/7
Since the opening of the MGM Springfield Casino
in August 2018, the Springfield GEU, currently led Encore Boston Harbor (617) 533-9890
by Lieutenant Ronald Gibbons, has operated at that MGM Springfield (413) 278-5420
facility, also on all three shifts, seven days per week. Plainridge Park Casino (617) 533-9765
Since the opening, the unit, consisting of Troopers Racing Division (617) 533-9800
and Springfield Officers, has routinely perfomed (Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
enforcement activity, medical support, and other Boston/MGC Office (617) 979-8400
important duties to enhance public safety at the (Monday – Friday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
Summer 2019 7