Page 6 - FE Blue Summer 2019 Final
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A Year After Springfield Opens,

          an Encore Role for

          Gaming Unit in Everett

          Members of the Gaming Enforcement Unit-Everett stand on the grounds of
          Encore Boston Harbor.

                  n a warm, sunny afternoon in late spring,    at facilities once they opened.
                  numerous dignitaries, casino executives,
                  and civic officials gathered on the glistening   “Our paramount responsibility at the Gaming
        Obank of the Mystic River in Everett for a             Commission is to protect the integrity and ensure the
        press conference announcing the opening of the         safety of our gaming facilities,” said Massachusetts
        Encore Boston Harbor resort casino.                    Gaming Commission Chairwoman Cathy Judd-Stein.
                                                               “The Gaming Enforcement Unit is critical to that
        Also present was a healthy contingent of               effort, providing the day-to-day vigilance and policing
        Massachusetts State Police commanders and              required to ensure the public’s confidence in the
        members of the department’s Gaming Enforcement         Commonwealth’s nascent gaming industry. I want
        Unit. Just off shore, two MSP Marine Unit vessels      to commend the GEU for its continued commitment
        anchored next to the casino’s own luxury water         to the highest standards and for prioritizing strong
        shuttle. Troopers were joined by their partners in the   collaboration with all law enforcement partners.”
        Everett Police Department, who serve on the MSP
        GEU unit at Encore. It was an auspicious opening for   The Massachusetts State Police created the Gaming
        an important new component of MSP’s mission.           Enforcement Unit in November 2012. Since that time,
                                                               as new gambling facilities opened in Plainville, then
        When the state passed legislation in 2011 authorizing   Springfield last summer, and now in Everett, the unit
        construction of several casinos and slot parlors, it was  has grown to its current complement of more than 60
        evident that a new mission also had been created for   MSP Troopers and local police officers from the three
        the Massachusetts State Police.                        communities.

        Under the Special Services Section, the State Police   The GEU Boston office is the headquarters for the
        historically had a role in enforcing laws at the state’s   unit and is located in the Financial District of Boston at
        racetracks, but the casino legislation would clearly   101 Federal Street. Housed within the Investigations
        require a new and specialized unit to, first, conduct   and Enforcement Bureau of the Massachusetts
        background investigations on the companies and         Gaming Commission, the GEU is led by Detective
        investors who wanted a piece of the gaming pie in      Lieutenant Brian Connors and Executive Officer
        Massachusetts, and subsequently, to enforce criminal   Lieutenant Michael Banks, and further consists of one
        law and preserve the integrity of the gaming operation  Sergeant and four Troopers.                      (Continued)

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