Page 3 - FE Blue Summer 2019 Final
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Troop B Unit Helping

        Teach School Staff to

        ‘Stop the Bleed’

        The Massachusetts State Police Troop B school
        safety unit continues to work with western
        Massachusetts schools to host “Stop the Bleed” first
        aid training for faculty and staff members.

        “Stop the Bleed” is a national awareness campaign      Lt. David Buell and Trooper Andrew Canata serve
        intended to educate, train, and empower bystanders
        to identify and help control life-threatening bleeding   as tourniquet subjets at a ‘Stop the Bleed’ training
        before professional help arrives.  Coordinators of the   at a school in Otis.
        effort note that people who know how to stop bleeding  Education programs.”
        from an injury can save a life – including their own.
        Among the skills learned in the classes will be how to   The Troop B unit partners with Baystate Medical
        apply a tourniquet, the correct way to pack a wound,   Center, Berkshire Medical Center, and several other
        and how to apply pressure to stop the bleed.           public safety agencies in the Western Mass. Stop the
        Troop B and its health care partners have nearly 20    Bleed Coallition. To date, the Coalition has educated
        training sessions planned over the next two months.    3,324 program attendees since December 2017.
        Fifteen training sessions will be offered to school
                                staffs in Adams, Cheshire,     “The skills learned in a ‘Stop the Bleed’ class will
        INSIDE                  Holyoke, North Adams, and      prepare you to provide help in incidents such as
                                Southwick, said Trooper
                                                               car crashes, industrial accidents, and accidents
                                Andrew Canata, a member of  in the home or workplace, where serious injuries
                                the school safety unit.        place people at risk of death due to life-threatening
        Scenes from
        another successful                                     bleeding,” said Ida Konderwicz RN, BSN, CEN, Injury
        July 4 as MSP kept      Additionally, Trooper James    Prevention Coordinator for the Trauma Division at
        the Esplanade safe      Carmichael, the other          Baystate Medical Center and Tracy DiSilva RN, BS,
        during America’s        member of the Troop B          CEN Trauma Program Manager, Berkshire Medical
        Birthday Party > 4      Community Action Team          Center.
                                school safety unit, is
        Animal Rescue           coordinating two sessions      “Tracy and I would like to thank all of our active
        League presents to      at Baystate Franklin Medical   members of our coalition which consists of doctors,
        84th RTT, and other     Center in Greenfield to train   nurses, EMS, local and state police. With a special
        MSP News > 9            police, firefighters, EMS      thank you to Trooper Andrew Canata of Troop B

        Dedicated Group of      medics, and school nurses in   Community Action
        Volunteers Work to      how to be “Stop the Bleed”     Team School Safety
        Grow MSP Museum’s       instructors. These “train-the-  Unit. Trooper Canata
        Offerings > 10          trainer” sessions will prepare   has been pivotal
                                instructors to conduct future   in organizing and
        Cover: Det. Lt. Brian   trainings in Hampshire and     participating in
        Connors (right) and     Franklin counties.             educating schools’
        Lt. Timothy Babbin                                     faculty on Stop the
        of the Gaming            “Our primary focus is training  Bleed.”
        Enforcement Unit        the schools for this effort,”
        take time for a photo   Trooper Canata said. “Some       Trooper Canata with
        with a friend. If they   schools are also looking at   Tracy DiSilva, Trauma
        ever need backup,       offering the training to high
        Popeye can surely       school students as part         Program Manager at
        hold his own.                                              Berkshire Medical
                                of their Wellness/Physical                    Center.
        Summer 2019                                                                                                    3
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