Page 33 - Fortier Family History
P. 33

     Lucioen Edward Fortier Family Tree -Pedigree Chart Fortier > Boulet > Prévost >Roch Manitouabeouich (Algonquin*) Ed Fortier’s grandmother was Marie Provost (1852-1900) (originally spelled Prévost). She was a direct descendant of Pierre Martin Prévost (1611-1691) through her father, Georges Provost (1814-1902). Marie Provost married Thomas Joseph Boulet, b. 1851 (also spelled Boulette). Their daughter, Marie Perpetue Boulet (1885-1955) married Ed Fortier’s father Achille Fortier (1869-1948). I wonder if Grandpa Ed Fortier ever knew his grandmother Marie Provost descended from one of the most famous “Indians” in Canadian history and that he had Native DNA? *There is some disagreement in the records concerning Roch Manitouabeouich’s tribal origin. Some sources state he was Algonquin while others indicate he was Huron. He was an interpreter for Champlain’s men and most likely could speak both Algonkin and Huron dialects. After the first “Indian Settlement” was reserved for converted Catholic Natives (consisting mostly of Huron, Algonquin, and Abenaki) at Sillery, outside of Quebec City, Roch became a leader and “Chief” of the Catholic Natives at Sillery which later became Canada’s first Reserve. First Catholic marriage of Frenchman & Native woman in Quebec, 1643 43   Joseph Guillaume Prévost (Algonquin) 

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