Page 8 - W_&_RSETA_Wholesale_&_Retail_SETA_August
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(KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng and Western Cape stakeholders, only)
Stakeholders are invited to participate in the W&RSETA Economic Disruptions
survey. In this survey, approximately 7000 stakeholders will be requested to
respond to a set questions about the impact of the recent economic disruptions
as a result of the unrests in KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng. Importantly, the
survey seeks to determine the training needs that have arisen as a result of the
disruptions, consideration for blended learning approach, and the immediate
response for economic reconstruction and recovery.
It will take approximately 7 minutes to complete the questionnaire. The primary
objective of the online survey is to understand the impact of the recent economic
disruptions on the Wholesale and Retail Sector, training, and the interventions
that the W&RSETA should prioritise to support companies to rebuild the sector.
Participation in this study is completely voluntary and participants may withdraw
from the survey at any point should they feel uncomfortable answering any of
the questions. Stakeholder input based on this survey will assist the W&RSETA
to obtain information on the impact of recent economic disruptions in the
Wholesale and Retail Sector from employers in order to determine possible areas
of support.
Your responses are strictly confidential and data from this research will be
reported only in the aggregate.
For any queries related to the survey, you may contact Mxolisi Maphakela at or 074 2422 683.
Click here to take the survey
Township Entrepreneurs Alliance
(TEA) empowerment session
n 23 August 2021 we were in Seshego, outside Polokwane in Limpopo to
Oengage entrepreneurs on the W&RSETA’s SMME programmes. Young small
business owners and budding entrepreneurs came out to listen and engage with
representatives from various institutions on SMME development and support
The W&RSETA highlighted its small business support programmes including
the SMME Discretionary Grant projects, entrepreneurship development and
the Informal Traders and Micro Enterprises Development to advocate for
W&RSETA | August 2021 Issue