Page 2 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
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The Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal (ISSN 0160-1598)
is published monthly, with the exception of July and August,
by the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association, 1375 E. 9
The Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts Program presents
Protest Art St., Floor 2, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1785. Periodical postage
paid at Cleveland, OH. POSTMASTER: Send address
changes to Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal, 1375 E. 9
St., Floor 2, Cleveland, Ohio 44114-1785.
Opinions expressed in this magazine are those of the
Free Speech and its Legal Boundaries authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
editors or the officers and members of the Cleveland
Metropolitan Bar Association. The editor reserves the
right to reject all advertising submitted for publication.
Nov. 29, 2018
Phone (216) 696-3525, fax (216) 696-2413
SPACES Gallery 2900 Detroit Ave
1.5 hour CLE Seminar Free to members. Subscriptions are $35 per year.
Jacqueline F. Baraona, Designer & Editor
Andrea Rice, Design Intern
Rebecca Ruppert McMahon, Publisher
Marlon A. Primes, President
Ian N. Friedman, President-Elect
Joseph N. Gross, Vice President
Ann M. Caresani, Treasurer
Ryan P. Nowlin, Vice President of Membership
Gregory G. Guice, Vice President of Diversity & Inclusion
Rebecca Ruppert McMahon, Secretary & CEO
Awatef Assad Gabrielle T. Kelly
What happens when art and free speech intersect? Come learn Brent M. Buckley Sandra M. Kelly
Thomas L. Feher
Daniel L. Messeloff
about the law regarding artistic expression in a multitude of Rosalina M. Fini Jay Milano
media and situations in this presentation for audiences of artists Matthew D. Gurbach Kathleen A. Nitschke
Honorable John J. Russo
Thomas G. Haren
and attorneys. All are welcome, but volunteers and artists attend Michael P. Harvey Beth Ann Schenz
free of charge. More at Jennifer M. Himmelein Neal E. Shapero
John P. Slagter
Ashley L. Jones
Jessica Berg, Law School Dean
Tami M. Bolder, Public Representative
Darrell A. Clay, Immediate Past President
Colleen M. Cotter, Legal Aid Representative
Lee Fisher, Law School Dean
Abigail A. Greiner, Young Lawyers Representative
Join your colleagues to see what you’ve Bruce M. Hennes, Public Representative
Michael P. Scharf, Law School Dean
been missing ... you'll be glad you did! Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau, CMBF President
CMBA’s Lawyer Referrel Service provides an average Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau, President
of 1,164 referrals each month. Patrick J. Krebs, President-Elect
John F. Kostelnik, Treasurer
Rosanne Aumiller, Vice President of Endowment
Getting connected with potential clients is easy and Carter E. Strang, Vice President of Special Events
Rebecca Ruppert McMahon, Secretary & Executive Director
can add value to your practice while you provide a CMBF BOARD OF DIRECTORS
public service right. Mary Catherine Barrett John W. Lebold
Barton A. Bixenstine Jonathan B. Leiken
Last fiscal year, LRS attorneys earned $1, 066, 302 on Katherine D. Brandt David M. Paris
Michael G. Riley
Paul Capka
legal matters referred by LRS. Michael R. Cavanaugh David W. Rowan
Matthew A. Secrist
Pamela A. Daiker-Middaugh
Nicholas A. DiCello Meredith C. Shoop
Ruth E. Hartman Rosemary Sweeney
Kerin Lyn Kaminski Christopher P. Thorman
Jeffrey J. Lauderdale Leslie E. Wargo
Lynn A. Lazzaro Richard G. Zeiger
APPL Y TODA Y to join the Mitchell G. Blair, Immediate Past President
LRS Kevin J. Donahue, Community Director
or call Katie Donovan Onders at Kevin P. Donoughe, Young Lawyers Representative
Helen M. Forbes Fields, Presidential Designee
(216) 539-5979. Lee Ann O’Brien, Community Director
Marlon A. Primes, CMBA President
Elena A. Ray, Community Director
Advertising Reps
Barb Burgie (614) 560-6896
Leslie Klenk (614) 554-6294
Printed by Source 3 Media.
The Bar Journal has been printed
on recycled paper since 1993.