Page 5 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 5

COLUMN                 BarJournal

                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015





                                                      Marlon A. Primes                                              FROM THE PRESIDENT

                      hirty-two years ago, I began my   faces of law students from both schools,   When I lived in D.C. in the late 1980s, it
                      journey in the legal profession   who had the opportunity to meet bar leaders   was not the gleaming and cosmopolitan
                      as a first-year law student at   and learn how to participate in our award-  city where my adult children reside today.
                      Georgetown University Law   winning 3Rs Program, brief advice clinics,   In the 1980s, the places they currently live
            T Center in Washington, D.C.      and other activities that will enhance  their   were unsafe and blighted, and D.C. was far
            Because I come from a family of tire workers in   legal education and law school experience.   from the present-day haven that is now
            Akron and am the first member of my family to   Thanks to the hard work of our bar   home to the largest millennial population
            attend law school, I carried the hopes, dreams,   association employees, Mary Groth and   in the country. By hosting the reception,
            and prayers of generations of the Primes family   Madeline Poll, students also met representatives   the leaders of my law school and the legal
            with me to the nation’s capital.    of affiliate bar associations and other legal   community relayed the important message
              But the Georgetown faculty and the   groups in the local community. They had the   that D.C. is a great place to practice law
            leaders  of the District of Columbia  Bar   valuable opportunity to speak with the leaders   and plant roots. Many of my classmates
            Association helped allay any concerns and   of bar associations that specialize in corporate   heeded the call and stayed in D.C., and
            anxiety I had by hosting an outstanding   law, intellectual property, and criminal law.   they have been an integral part of the city’s
            welcoming program for first-year students   Additionally, the rich diversity of our   remarkable renaissance.
            at the iconic Kennedy Center, which had   legal community was on display when the   Thirty years from now, I hope that the hands
            long red-carpet walkways on top of pristine   students   met the leaders of the local African-  of  time  will also  demonstrate  that  our  bar
            white marble floors. The building was as   American, Asian, Asian-Pacific, and Hispanic   association was able to relay a similar message
            opulent as it appeared on television. There,   bar associations.  Through those interactions,   to our bright young law students: a message
            like my fellow classmates, I was in awe and   students were able to hear and see that our   that loudly proclaims that we are moving
            reflected on all the presidents, world leaders,   community values diversity, which will   in the right direction and that we, too, need
            and famous entertainers that had walked the   encourage a diverse group of students to   the best and brightest from all demographic
            same hallways. Although the venue of the   launch their legal careers in Cleveland and   and economic backgrounds to plant roots in
            welcoming program was memorable, I also   remain in our city.        Northeastern Ohio and become a part of the
            cherish the kindness of the members of the   Finally, students from our great local law   continued renaissance of our great city.
            D.C. Bar Association. They knew many of us   schools had the unique opportunity to meet   For photos and more information about the
            would pursue legal careers far away from the   and interact with one another. For so many   event, see page 22.
            D.C. metropolitan area, but they went out   years, it appeared that the local law schools
            of their way to ensure that all students felt   operated in separate silos and had few, if any,
            welcomed in our new home.         joint activities.  The reception gave all of the   Marlon A. Primes has been a CMBA member
              Given my experience at the Kennedy   law students a special chance to make contacts   since 1993. He previously served as: a member
            Center, I am so pleased to have helped   outside of their respective institutions. Seventy   of the Board of Trustees, the Chair of the
            plan and organize an inaugural welcoming   percent of the lawyers in our community   Litigation  Section, the  Chair  of  the  3Rs
            program for law students at the Case Western   have  gone  to law school locally,  and the   Committee, and the Chair of the Justice for
            Reserve School of Law and Cleveland-  early interaction attending students had will   All Committee. Marlon has worked as an
            Marshall College of Law at our bar association   help form bonds between the future judges,   Assistant U.S. Attorney in Cleveland for the
            on September 13, 2018.  Associate Dean   partners, and other leaders of our community.   past 26 years. He received his law degree from
            Michael J. Borden at Cleveland-Marshall and   Those bonds will continue to bear fruit,   Georgetown University Law Center and his
            Michael T. McCarthy, who is the Director of   strengthening and enhancing us all.    undergraduate degree from Ohio University’s
            Student Services at Case Western Reserve,   Looking back more than 30 years ago to   E.W. Scripps School of Journalism. He can
            provided outstanding assistance to make the   the welcoming program I attended in D.C.,   be reached at (216) 622-3684 or Marlon.
            inaugural program a great success. Our efforts   I now realize that it had the additional Follow him on Twitter
            were rewarded by the smiling and grateful   benefit of helping to revitalize the region.   @MPrimesCMBA.
            NOVEMBER 2018                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 5
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