Page 10 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 10
BarJournal COLUMN
Rebecca Ruppert McMahon
ovember is upon us and many substantive programs, but also to help writing fundamentals and learn about the new
that means we are clicking fund many of our other Bar activities that writing paradigm called the “Surgical Strike.”
on all cylinders inside have been designed to make our local Bar an The Beatles or Bruce Springteen more your
the Bar. Our Foundation indispensable resource for our members. thing? Rock-n-Roll Law on December 4 is for
Njust wrapped up another If you have yet to sign up for a class or two you. Jim Jesse, former GC for THE COOL
sensational Halloween Run for Justice and we (or six for we procrastinators), please check TV (a 24-hour-a-day music video television
are well into planning our best-ever Rock the out our incredible Fall lineup. Here’s a sample network), is offering an interactive and fun
Foundation on Saturday, February 9, 2019. of the 70+ programs what we’re offering. look at music copyright law, from basic
Plus, behind the scenes, the Foundation Do the phrases blockchain technology concepts like how to establish and register a
Board is just beginning to consider what will and the Internet of Things give you heart copyright, how to build/defend infringement
surely be a superstar class of new Foundation palpitations? Not sure what they mean? cases, and the oh-so-hot intersection of
Fellows to be announced in the spring. November 13 has been designed for you. copyright and streamed music.
The Association is also humming along. Speakers Bernie Moreno (dreamer of Blockland Ethical business development will be the
We’ve got a legion of 3Rs volunteers back in the ... another foreign concept to be revealed), name of the game on December 11 when
Cleveland and East Cleveland High Schools. Jennifer Hart (Khorman Jackson Krantz lawyer Brent Renzenbrink, a partner with the
Our 41 Sections and Committees are meeting and CEO of tech startup Connective Counsel), southern Ohio fir Buechner Haffer Meyers
monthly, hosting programs, and planning pro and Jeremy Samide (CEO of Stealthcare), & Koenig and author of “4L, What They
bono projects and holiday parties. Our second among others, will provide a practical look at Don’t Teach You About Law in Law School”,
annual Leadership Academy is in full swing. the tech revolution that is happening right now, takes over the microphone to share proven
Oh, and did you know we have CLEs at the how it will impact your clients’ businesses and and revolutionary methods for amassing,
CMBA this fall? YES WE DO! (M–Z lawyers, as a result, how you advise your clients. retaining and managing a satisfied client base.
if you haven’t woken up yet, now’s the time The next day, November 14, we kickoff our Laugh as you learn on December 14 during
because 2018 is our reporting year!) two-day, annual Tax Institute — 61 years constitutional lawyer Joel Oster’s “De-Briefing
While the CMBA does so much more than and counting! This year we feature nearly 40 the Law: A Comedic Review of the Supreme
“just” CLE, make no mistake: CLE is critically speakers who will cover topics from the latest Court, Legal Ethics and Headline Cases.”
important to us. Each year, we offer more tax developments coming out of Washington And finally, come check out the inaugural
than 170 CLE programs designed to make our D.C. to navigating US-international tax rules Pat E. Morgenstern-Clarren Consumer
members and non-members alike smarter, to doing deals post-tax reform. Bankruptcy Institute on December 6. In
better informed and more connected. We Not into taxes? What about Facebook? addition to a full day of tips and trends in
feature more than 500 presenters annually — Coming to the CMBA on November 15 is consumer bankruptcy, the annual Marvin and
the majority of whom are CMBA members Facebook Deputy General Counsel Paul Sue Sicherman Excellence in Bankruptcy
— delivering top-notch programs that run the Grewal who, together with an all-star lineup Award will be given to local law students with
gamut of subjects and provide both local and of folks like US Attorney Justin Herdman, a special interest in Bankruptcy & Commercial
national perspectives. And the vast majority former US Attorney Carole Rendon and Law. The day will conclude with the Bankruptcy
of those programs are LIVE. Real people with Diebold Nixdorf CLO Jonathan Leiken, & Commercial Law Section’s holiday party.
real answers to your real-time questions. will be bringing their A games during our Whether you’re an old pro or newcomer,
At a time when the CLE marketplace has biennial Institute on White Collar Crime. this is must-see CLE at its finest. Come meet
never been more competitive, we need your Topics will include recent developments in us at the Bar!
support both by attending our CLEs, and by corporate compliance, ethics and crime in
encouraging your friends to do the same. politics and media.
The revenue generated by our CLE programs Stuart Teicher returns by popular Rebecca Ruppert McMahon is the CEO of the
represents approximately 20% of our demand on November 30 to present “Fluff CMBA. She has been a CMBA member since
Association’s annual budget. This revenue is for Pillows, Not Legal Writing.” You’ll 1995. She can be reached at (216) 696-3525 or
is essential not just to enable us to offer so be entertained and informed as you cover