Page 15 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
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            Palazzo, 8  Dist. Cuyahoga No. 103592,   should have possessed, upon the exercise   are unlikely to permit such an inequitable
            2016-Ohio-5137 a third party beneficiary   of reasonable diligence, actual knowledge   and unintended result.
            of a scheme to defraud the plaintiff was not   not just that [it] has been injured but also
            immune from liability in an OCTA claim   that the injury was caused by the conduct   CONCLUSION
            even though she was not an employee of   of the defendant.             The OCTA is gaining momentum in Ohio courts.
            the victim school district but merely an                               Because of the wide range of damages available
            associate of the employee who perpetrated   Bash v. Textron Fin. Corp. (In re: Fair Fin.   under the statute and the fact that a criminal
            the fraud. Thus, if a party buys or receives   Co.),  834  F.3d  651,  672  (6   Cir.  2016)   conviction is not a prerequisite, the law is an
            stolen goods or materials which he or she   (quotations and citations omitted.)    effective tool for employers, retailers, and other
            knows or has “reasonable cause to believe”   Additionally, the Ohio Supreme Court   property owners in seeking compensation for the
            were stolen, he or she may be liable under   has held that the discovery rule applies   loss of stolen goods or materials. Furthermore,
            the OCTA for treble damages, even without   to malpractice cases in which the R.C.   buyers of stolen property, even those with no
            a direct relationship with the victim.   §2305.11(A) one-year statute of limitation   relationship or interaction with the victim, may
                                               applies. In  Akers v. Alonzo, 65 Ohio St.3d   be liable if they knew or had reasonable cause to
            STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS/            422 (1992), the plaintiff suffered from   know that the property they bought was stolen.
            DISCOVERY RULE                     symptoms of cancer but was diagnosed   As the OCTA is a civil action and requires a
            In the event a client is named as a defendant   healthy by her treating physician, later   lower standard of proof, causes of action may
            in an OCTA case, the statute of limitations   found to be errant. During discovery in the   be more easily provable, against a greater range
            may provide a defense. Ohio courts have   ensuing malpractice case, it was determined   of defendants, and with a multitude of damages
            held that the OCTA is a penalty statute   that a third doctor reviewed the diagnostic   available to the property owner, including treble
            and thus the one-year statute of limitations   testing and concurred in the misdiagnosis.   damages and attorneys’ fees.
            set forth in R.C. §2305.11(A) applies.   Upon that revelation, the plaintiff added
            However, while some of those who commit   the doctor as a defendant even though
            theft offenses against a property owner are   more than one year transpired since the   Matthew Seeley is a litigator at
            identified during or soon after the theft   misdiagnosis. Though the plaintiff and   the law firm of Kadish, Hinkel &
            itself, other accomplices, such as the fence   reviewing doctor had no direct relationship   Weibel, LPA. In over two decades
            who later buys the stolen material, may   and, indeed, the plaintiff could and did   of practice, Matt has represented
            not be identified until long thereafter. And   not know the existence of this physician,   large corporations, family busi-
            while treble damages from a thief may not   the court permitted him to be added. The   nesses and individuals in all areas of civil liti-
            be collectible, they are more likely to be   court found that the discovery rule tolled   gation, including hearings, bench trials, jury
            from the buyer, who may still possess the   the statute of limitations until the unknown   trials, arbitrations and mediations. Matt fo-
            goods themselves. If the discovery rule   doctor was identified.       cuses his practice primarily in the areas of
            were inapplicable to these down-the-stream   These scenarios are analogous to OCTA   business and commercial law with an empha-
            bad actors, unscrupulous buyers could   claims where wrongdoers acting in concert   sis on employment and non-compete law,
            escape civil liability by simply concealing   with the thieves are not immediately   business torts and real estate. Matt is admitted
            the  property  for  a  year.  While  there  is   identified. Unless the discovery rule applies   to the United States Tax Court of the United
            seemingly no ruling directly on point, it   to them, victims of theft — through no fault   States Tax Court and also has many years of
            seems  implicit  that  courts  would  toll  the   of their own — have limited recourse if the   experience in defending employers in workers’
            statute of limitations until the identity of   investigation takes longer than a year to reveal   compensation matters. He can be reached at
            the  wrongdoer  is  discovered,  as  otherwise   the identity of the ultimate buyer(s). Courts   (216) 696-3030 or
            the essence of the damages provisions of the
            OCTA can be easily thwarted. The rule is
            applied in similar settings.         Mediator/Arbitrator Ron Kopp
              The Sixth Circuit recently decided
            an  Ohio  Fraudulent  Transfer  Act  claim   Delivers Closure to Disputes
            where the subject transfer could not have   Ron Kopp has spent over 35 years handling high-
            been discovered by the victims until years   profile litigation. A past president of the Ohio State
            later, during an ensuing law enforcement   Bar Association, he is routinely on the list of the Top
            investigation. In holding that the discovery   100 Ohio Super Lawyers, at times breaking into the
            rule applied, the court examined the central   Top 10. Increasingly, parties, attorneys, and judges
            purpose behind its application:      turn to Kopp as a preferred neutral to conduct
                                                 mediations and arbitrations of locked civil disputes.
              [T]he crux of the inquiry was not at what                                             Ron Kopp
              point in time the defendant engaged in the                  1375 East Ninth Street    330.849.6644
              allegedly  wrongful  conduct but  at  what                  One Cleveland Center, 10  Floor
                                                                          Cleveland, OH 44114
              point in time the plaintiff possessed or
                                                                                                          8/27/18   1:57 PM
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