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BarJournal                    BUSINESS LITIGATION

                                     JULY/AUGUST  2015
      FEATURE  Drafting Employee Arbitration Agreements

                         After Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis

                                                                         BY PHILLIP CIANO & SARAH E. KATZ

                   he United States Supreme   A. The Case                      mandatory arbitration provisions. While  this
                   Court recently ruled that   The consolidated condisputes leading to the Epic   ruling may decrease the likelihood that a plaintiff
                   mandatory arbitration clauses   Systems decision involved employment agreements   could maintain a successful class action in court,
                   which simultaneously waive   containing mandatory bilateral arbitration clauses   if class arbitrations are not expressly prohibited
        T class or collective proceedings   requiring that the only form of dispute resolution   by the parties’ contract, plaintiffs may still be free
        do not violate the National Labor Relations   be through individualized arbitration. The plaintiff-  to pursue class arbitrations under the FAA. What
        Act (NLRA) or the Federal Arbitration Act   employees in these consolidated cases sought to   are some pragmatic implications to consider?
        (FAA). Epic Systems Corp. v. Lewis, 138 S. Ct.   litigate Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) claims   First, there may be a potential increase
        1612, (2018). In  Epic  Systems, the SCOTUS   through federal class actions, claiming that an   in attempts to engage in  class arbitration.
        considered whether the NLRA prohibits   arbitration clause that prohibits class action suits   Second, employers and their counsel should
        enforcement of employment agreements   violates the NLRA. The plaintiffs alleged that class   be prepared for increased challenges to
        requiring employees to resolve employment   and collective actions are “concerted activities” that   the enforceability of mandatory bilateral
        disputes  through  individual, “bilateral”   are protected by §7 of the NLRA. The employees   arbitration clauses based on contract defenses
        arbitration under the FAA. Writing for the 5-4   argued that while the FAA requires courts to   other than illegality. Therefore, it is important
        majority, Justice Neil Gorsuch wrote that the   enforce agreements to arbitrate, if that agreement   that drafters of  employment agreements
        NLRA  “does  not  mention  class  or  collective   violates another federal law, then the obligation to   containing mandatory arbitration provisions
        procedures” and thus cannot be read to   follow this agreement is nullified.  take precaution to carefully draft these clauses.
        displace the FAA.                     Rejecting previous NLRB authority and the   The first thing a drafter should be aware of
          This holding effectively permits employees   plaintiff-employees’ claims,  Epic  Systems held   is that even when parties agree to arbitrate all
        to waive their right to pursue a class action in   that arbitration agreements must be enforced in   disputes,  that  does  not  necessarily  mean that
        court while agreeing to resolve all employment   accordance with the FAA. The Court held that   they will be prohibited from pursuing  arbitral
        disputes through bilateral arbitration. While   for one Act to displace another, congressional   class action. Class arbitration is rare, but courts
        this holding appears to be a boon to businesses   intent must be “clear and manifest.” The Court   may nonetheless mandate class arbitration. The
        and employers, there are some precautions   held  that  while  §7  speaks  about  unions  and   Supreme  Court  has  held  that  under  the  FAA,
        that should be taken when drafting arbitration   collective bargaining, it does not mention class   a party may not be compelled to arbitrate a
        provisions into employment agreements.  or collective actions or express a “clear and   class action without “a contractual basis for
          This article will summarize the holdings in   manifest” intent to displace the FAA.  concluding that the party agreed to do so.”  Stolt-
        Epic Systems and offer drafting tips to labor                          Nielsen v. AnimalFeeds Int’l Corp., 559 U.S. 662,
        counsel seeking to incorporate mandatory   B. Pragmatic implications of Epic Systems.  684 (2010);  see also  Epic Sys. Corp. v. Lewis,
        arbitration clauses, waiving collective   Epic Systems held that employees are permitted to   138 S. Ct. 1612, 1623, 200 L. Ed. 2d 889 (2018)
        actions, into employment handbooks and/  waive their right to pursue class actions in court   (“courts may not allow a contract defense to
        or agreements.                      by signing employment contracts containing   reshape  traditional  individualized  arbitration
                                                                               by mandating classwide arbitration procedures
                                                                               without the parties’ consent”). However, to
                                                                               date, the Supreme Court has not specified the
            STOUT DISPUTE CONSULTING                                           parameters  for  what  constitutes  agreement  to
            Opinions. Expertly formed                                          class arbitration.
                                                                                 A case currently pending before the Supreme
            and relentlessly defended.                                         Court, Lamps Plus, Inc. v. Varela, may resolve

                                                                               this issue.  In  Lamps, an employee initiated
            Stout’s Dispute Consulting group is proud to deliver damages analysis, expert   a class action suit against his employer, the
            testimony, and forensic accounting services to the Cleveland Bar community.   employer moved to compel arbitration in
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            public corporations to small closely-held businesses across a range of industries.
                                                                               the District Court compelled class arbitration.
                                                                               Varela v. Lamps Plus, Inc., 701 F. App’x 670, 672
                                                            (9th Cir. 2017), cert. granted, 138 S. Ct. 1697,
            Investment Banking  |  Valuation Advisory  |  Dispute Consulting  |  Management Consulting  200 L. Ed. 2d 948 (2018). The Ninth Circuit
                                                                               held that where the phrase “arbitration shall
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