Page 21 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 21

             spotlight                                                                                   JULY/AUGUST  2015



                       eorge Carr and Andrea    Andrea came  to the  VLA as a  law   Entertainment and Sports Law Association
                       Liguore  represent  what  student, but immediately upon passing   and the Treasurer of the Justinian Forum
                       makes the Volunteer Lawyers   the bar began to accept pro bono matches.   before her 2017 graduation. Whether she is
                       for the Arts (VLA) program   As a solo practitioner and owner of   there to lead a program or there as support,
            Ga  success   —  a  combination                    her own music,    Andrea is always willing to cheerfully lend   VOLUNTEER SPOTLIGHT
            of VLA veterans who have supported the                               at hand at VLA events.
            program for years, and those whose                                    Reflecting on her time with the VLA,
            enthusiasm  as  new  volunteers                                      Andrea said, “I love being a part of the VLA
            helps keep the program fresh                                         because I  believe every artist, no matter
            and  invigorated.  George                                            their situation, should have access to legal
            and Andrea will serve as                                             services to protect their work. Volunteering
            panelists at a special VLA                                           is also my way of paying it forward to those
            presentation  Nov.  29  at                                           artists in need for all the help and advice I’ve
            SPACES Gallery: “Protest                                             received from others throughout my career.”
            Art: Free Speech and                                                  At their SPACES presentation Nov. 29,
            its Legal Boundaries,” a                                             George and Andrea will share with a crowd
            free event open both to                                                  of volunteer attorneys and artists
            legal professionals and                                                      important information regarding
            local artists.                                                                 artistic expression in a variety
              George is a real estate       George Carr and                                  of media and situations that
            litigator at Sikora Law by day,   Katie Steiner                                    arise at the intersection of
            and a talented trombonist by    at a VLA event                                      art and political speech.
            night. Like many VLA volunteers,                                                    Their    discussion
            George was drawn to the group due to his                                             on public art will
            background in the arts, as a performer and                                           include  overviews
            patron. His knowledge of musical history, jazz                                       of   nonpermanent
            in particular, is encyclopedic. He is a regular at                                  media such as light
            the VLA’s monthly meetings, often handling                                          projections; obscenity
            multiple pro bono cases at a time. He is always                       Andrea       in artistic speech; and
            happy to share his extensive expertise with   entertainment,          Liguore     “viral” art online.
            newer members, drawing on his decade-long   and business law                      The   CMBA    deeply
            experience with the VLA, which he chaired in   practice, she now is           appreciates  volunteers  like
            2016-17. In addition to taking on pro bono   one of our most prolific     George and Andrea, who share their
            work, George is a frequent and knowledgeable   VLA volunteers, managing   time in support of a strong, vibrant arts and
            speaker at VLA events, and can always be   at least two pro bono cases each month.   nonprofit community here in Cleveland.
            counted on to make an appearance in support   Andrea also finds the time to serve as a
            of his fellow Committee members should he   speaker  for both the  VLA and for Reach
            happen to not be on the panel.    Out: Legal Assistance for Nonprofits,
              Beyond volunteering with the VLA,   where she served on a panel in October   GET ENGAGED!
            George has served on the Board for the   during Pro Bono Week: “What a Novel   For more information about the
            Cleveland Public Theatre and Cleveland Jazz   Idea! Intellectual Property Overview for   Volunteer Lawyers for the Arts, visit
            Orchestra,  and  on  the  Associate  Board  for   Nonprofits.” Andrea’s love of the arts was To learn more
            the Free Medical Clinic of Greater Cleveland.   fine-tuned during her time as a legal intern   about Reach Out for Nonprofits, please
            When asked what drives him to give back,   with the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and   visit For
            George  said,  “Volunteering  refreshes  my   Museum, where she assisted the Rock Hall’s   general questions about volunteering,
            commitment to helping people understand   General Counsel with legal research and   please contact Jessica Paine at JPaine@
            and navigate the law. It’s a genuine pleasure   daily transactional tasks. She also served or (216) 539-5982.
            to work with the fine lawyers of the VLA.”  as  the  President  of  Cleveland-Marshall’s
            NOVEMBER 2018                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 21
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