Page 23 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 23

Your                                                     #MeetMeAtTheBar    #MyCMBA

                                              LEADERSHIP ACADEMY

                                                            Our Leadership Academy participants kicked off their year with their
                                                            orientation session and opening reception on September 27.
                                                            Our Emerging and Established Leaders each met by cohort to begin
                                                            getting to know each other and learning the nuts and bolts of the
                                                            Academy. We joined together for full Academy introductions and
                                                            conversation, before heading out to socialize.  CMBA Officers and
                                                            Trustees also popped in to meet and greet.

                                                            We’re looking forward to seeing the Leadership Academy members
                                                            throughout the year, and stay tuned to the Bar Journal for updates on
                                                            their activities.




            On September 14, members of the CMBA’s Unauthorized Practice of Law
            Committee attended the biennial UPL Seminar hosted by the Supreme Court of
            Ohio’s Board on the Unauthorized Practice of Law.  Coordinated by Board Secretary
            Minerva Elizaga, the program brought together Supreme Court staff, Board members,
            UPL committee members and respondents’ counsel from across Ohio.  John
            Hallbauer, the immediate past chair of the CMBA’s UPL Committee, participated in
            a panel discussion on UPL Investigations, Complaints & Discovery.  Former CMBA
            President and former UPL Committee Chair David Kutik shared an update about
            notable UPL cases across the country.  And Tracy Morrison Dickens from
            the Ohio Attorney General’s Office talked about how the AG’s
            office uses the Consumers Sales Practices Act to combat UPL.
            The CMBA’s UPL Committee meets monthly to discuss
            reports of the unauthorized practice of law that it
            receives from judges, lawyers, and victims of UPL.  Its
            mission is to protect the public and preserve the
            integrity of the legal system.  Over the years, the
            dedicated volunteers of the UPL Committee
            have successfully investigated and prosecuted
            individuals and entities who are untrained
            in the practice of law and who have caused
            harm to others.

            NOVEMBER 2018VEMBER 2018
            NO                                                                         CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 23
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