Page 17 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 17

•  Possess a “minimal degree of creativity”; and  •  Reasonable steps must be used by the holder   Conclusion
            •  Be fixed in a tangible form that is sufficiently   of the information to maintain the secret.  Cannabis businesses may face additional
              permanent to be reproduced.        Unlike the other forms of IP protection, which   challenges  in protecting their IP, but  by
              However, something to keep in mind is   require disclosure, trade secrets are all about   doing so in the beginning, they stand a
            that short phrases (i.e., brand names, tag lines,   maintaining  the  confidentiality.  “Reasonable   greater  chance  of  finding  success  long
            titles,  slogans)  are  not  copyrightable.  Many   steps” may seem vague, but consider taking   term. Building their IP portfolio will allow
            businesses included words in their logos so   steps such as limiting the number of people   them to maintain a competitive advantage
            while logos with words may be submitted for   who know the information, making sure those   and failing to do so could hurt them in the
            registration with the Copyright Office, the   people know the information is confidential,   future. Therefore, it should be a critical
            copyright will only cover the design or graphic   utilizing nondisclosure agreements, and   business task for these emerging businesses
            elements of the logo. Copyright protection for a   including  confidentiality  provisions  within   to think about what IP protection makes
            logo still provides some protection for cannabis   employment contracts. Cannabis businesses   sense for them.
            businesses and the possibility of receiving   can utilize trade secret protection to protect
            compensation for the use of the logo by others.  their sensitive business information as well by
                                               meeting the three conditions above.           Kristen M. Hoover is an
            Patent Protection                    Additionally, trade secrets are frequently   intellectual property attorney at
            Patent protection is only available federally. Utility   used  by businesses as  an  alternative  to   McCarthy Lebit. Ms. Hoover’s
            patents are available for “any new and useful   patent  protection  for innovations.  Cannabis   practice focuses on patent and
            process, machine, manufacture, or composition   businesses working to develop new strains   trademark prosecution, as well
            of matter, or any new and useful improvement   of cannabis may choose to keep those   as copyright registration, trade secrets and
            thereof” and grant inventors the right to exclude   developments secret. Keep in mind however   general intellectual property protection. Ms.
            others from making, using, or selling it for up   that independent development will not be   Hoover  handles  both  domestic  and
            to 20 years. Additionally,  design patents are   considered  a violation of  trade  secret  law.   international intellectual property matters.
            available that cover an aesthetic or ornamental   Therefore, a competitor who innovates the   She has been a CMBA member since 2014.
            design and plant patents are available that protect   same strain on their own could sell it without   She can be reached at (216) 696-1422 or kmh@
            asexually reproduced plants. Since patents are   it being a trade secret violation.
            issued by the USPTO which denies trademark
            protection for cannabis goods and services, it
            might be surprising to find out that the USPTO
            has granted cannabis patents for all three types
            including a utility patent for  specific chemical   Helping you navigate
            profiles, design patents for cannabis devices, and
            at least one plant patent for Ecuadorian Sativa.   through difficult
            Even though patent protection is available to the
            cannabis industry, many cannabis businesses,
            particularly in the medical marijuana industry,   financial issues.
            have opted to focus on innovation without
            seeking patent protection. This may be due to
            the difficulty of obtaining a patent for certain   Our experienced   •  Economic Damages
            technologies, particularly without supporting   financial experts   •  Fraud Investigation & Deterrence
            data, and obtaining cannabis research is still   will help your     •  Valuations for Estate & Gift
            quite difficult in the United States. Regardless, it
            remains an option to be considered.         clients with:           •  Business Valuations
                                                                                •  Insolvency & Restructuring
            Trade Secret Protection
            Trade secret protection exists at both the state and
            federal level, and it differs greatly from the other                Jeff Firestone, CPA, CFE, CVA
            forms of IP protection. Business information such                   Director of Litigation Services
            as business plans, customer lists, secret recipes,                  PHONE   440-892-8900 ext. 113
            supplier information,  and  other proprietary
            information can all be protected as a trade secret                  EMAIL
            provided the requisite steps are taken. There                       WEB
            are three general conditions that must exist for
            information to be considered a trade secret:
            •  The information must be a secret;
            •  The information must have commercial
              value because it is secret; and
            NOVEMBER 2018                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 17
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