Page 12 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
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BarJournal                   COLUMN

                                    JULY/AUGUST  2015
        TION                                STRATEGIC FUNDRAISING PLAN

                                            IS A THANK YOU NOTE

        BAR FOUNDA

                                            Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau

                                            CMBF President

                n this month of giving and of thanks, I   •  Do you feel the CMBF effectively   more  can  be  done. The  strategic  fundraising
                share with you the Strategic Fundraising   communicates its impact?  plan specified the categories for attention:
                Plan of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar   •  What do you think is the biggest impact   Staffing and Infrastructure, Board Engagement,
                Foundation as a form of “thank you   made by the CMBF?           The Donor Experience, Annual Giving and
            Inote.” It is an expression of gratitude to   •  What do you think makes an organization   Fundraising Events, Communications and
            our donors that the Foundation has a tangible   successful at fundraising?  Awareness. Within those categories, there were
            plan for thoughtful and intentional   •   Are you a donor to the CMBF?  specific recommendations.
            leadership for using the resources     •   How do you prefer to give to the    From there, the  members of the CMBF
            entrusted to the Foundation.                 CMBF?                   Strategic Planning Committee took over.
            Over the course of                            •   How  do  you  view  the   The board members prioritized each action
            several  months                                importance  of   the  item and set a timeline with target dates for
            in 2018,  many                                  endowment?           execution. Now, those individually prioritized
            s t a k e h o lder s   Thank                     •  When  you  give  to   recommendations are action plans which are
            and  community                                    a  nonprofit,  what  being implemented by a specific Foundation
            m em b er s            You                         motivates you to   committee, or by the full Board of Directors.
            contributed their                                   make a second gift to   The CMBF’s plan gives thanks by
            ideas on how to                                      that  organization?  committing  to  faithful  stewardship  now
            carry   forward                                     •  Who  should  the   and in the future. Developing and fulfilling
            the  Foundation’s                              CMBF look toward for   a strategic fund-raising plan is one of many
            mission. The result                      fundraising support?        ways the CMBF is thanking Foundation
            was a Strategic Fundraising        • What is your view of the Fellows program?  donors, supporters, and volunteers for their
            Plan created exclusively for the   •  Please finish my sentence, “If the CMBF   investment.  We are continually thankful.
            Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation.   no longer existed,
            The final philanthropy blueprint, approved   ______”
            by the full Board of Directors, is serving as   •  Is there anything   Continue to spread mission
            a road map during my term as President of   else you think the
            the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation.   CMBF should be   moments of impact.
            This strategic plan will not collect dust sitting   doing?
            on a shelf! It is jam-packed with great ideas.   An outside third
              The ideas flowed, in part, from stakeholder   party  consultant
            answers to these and other questions:  developed the  questions,  and  then  collected
            •  What does the CMBF mean to you?  and analyzed the responses for us. We wanted
            •  What do you believe is the mission of the   unvarnished feedback untainted by fear of   Stephanie Dutchess Trudeau is a partner, trial
              CMBF?                           attribution. Our goal was to learn and to identify   lawyer and certified specialist in employment and
            •  Do you believe the mission is being fulfilled?  areas of opportunity. We were not fishing for   labor law at Ulmer & Berne LLP. She chaired the
                                                               compliments, but the   CMBF Strategic Planning Committee, is President
                                                               good news found us.   of the Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Foundation,
              Celebrate, thank and cultivate                   The analysts reported   and is a past Chair of the Cleveland Bar Associa-
                                                               that the CMBF has
                                                                                 tion Labor and Employment Law Section. She
              volunteers and donors.                           been doing much   clerked for United States District Court Judge Ann
                                                               that is right and went   Aldrich and has been a CMBA member since
                                                               on to outline where   1985. She can be reached at
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