Page 11 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 11

Allen Littman
            Jarrett J.                                                              International Law Section Chair

            Northup                                                                Firm/Company: The Firm of Allen J. Littman
                                                                                   Title: Principal
                                                                                   CMBA Join Date: 2017
             Court Rules Committee Chair                                           College: A.B. in Mathematics and M.B.A. in
                                                                                   Professional Accounting from Rutgers University
            Firm/Company: Jeffries, Kube, Forrest &                                Law School: J.D. from University of Miami (Florida)
            Monteleone Co., L.P.A.                                                 School of Law and LL.M. in Taxation from Levin
            Title: Partner & C.F.O.                                                College of Law, University of Florida
            CMBA Join Date: 2007
            Undergrad: Ohio University, cum laude                                  HOW DID YOU MEET YOUR SPOUSE/
            Law School: Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                          SIGNIFICANT OTHER?
                                                                                   We met in April, 2013 at a Baker Hostetler
            A RECENT MILESTONE FOR YOU OR                                          partners retreat in Orlando, FL, when I sat down
            YOUR FAMILY?                                                           randomly at an open buffet seat.  I lived in Virginia
            Running for Judge on the Cuyahoga County Court                         and she lived in Shaker Heights.  In 2015, I moved
            of Common Pleas
                                                                                   to the Cleveland area.
            I love to play guitars and I also play mandolin.  I’ve                 WHAT DO YOU DO FOR FUN?
                                                                                   I like hiking, biking, the beach, movies, and music.  I
            been at it for 26 years.                                               also work out or swim several times a week.
            MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT IN        Jennifer                            WHAT CITY DO YOU LIVE IN, AND
            COURT?                                                                 WHAT DO YOU LIKE ABOUT IT?
            My pants zipper broke minutes before my very first   Himmelein         Cleveland Heights has beautiful tall old oak
            trial was about to get underway in a Lorain County                     trees, majestic houses and funky neighborhood
            Common Pleas Court.  The judge’s kind staff helped                     shopping areas.
            me locate a couple safety pins to keep me decent.  Justice for All Committee Chair
                                               Firm/Company: Cavitch, Familo & Durkin Co., L.P.A.  WHAT ARE YOUR GOALS FOR THE
            WHERE DID YOU GO ON YOUR           Title: Partner                      COMING YEAR?
            HONEYMOON?                         CMBA Join Date: 2009                My professional goals for the year are to continue
                                               Undergrad: Kent State University    developing my international tax practice, to
                                               Law School:Cleveland-Marshall College of Law  be active in several professional organizations
            ONE FUN FACT ABOUT YOU?                                                relating to taxes and international law, including
            General Chuck Yeager was a client of mine.  I was   IF YOU WERE NOT PRACTICING LAW,   CMBA, and to provide pro bono immigration legal
            his flyfishing and whitewater rafting guide in the                     assistance to refugees.
            wilderness of the Chilean Patagonia.  WHAT WOULD YOUR PROFESSION BE?
                                               A teacher.
                                                                                   ONE FUN FACT ABOUT YOU?
                                               WHAT DO YOU LOVE YOU ABOUT          I used to play guitar and keyboards, and was lead
                                               YOUR JOB?                           singer, with a classic rock band around Washington,
                                               Helping people.                     DC called the “Sugar Daddies.”  I’ve also written a
                                                                                   bunch of songs.  I might take all that up again here
                                               MOST MEMORABLE CMBA MOMENT          in NE Ohio.
                                               Going to the Quicken Loans Arena to get a behind
                                               the scenes tour of the facility, locker rooms and have
                                               lunch with Dan Gilbert.                INTERESTED IN BEING

                                               A RECENT MILESTONE FOR YOU OR          FEATURED OR KNOW
                                               YOUR FAMILY?                           SOMEONE WHO MIGHT?
                                               My daughter just started kindergarten!
                                                                                      E-mail Jackie Baraona at:

            NOVEMBER 2018                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 11
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