Page 9 - November 2018 | Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Journal
P. 9


                                                                                                         JULY/AUGUST  2015

                                               SPOTLIGHT ON:


             Trouble with Opposing Counsel?

                                                 BY BARBARA K. ROMAN                                                COMMITTEE SPOTLIGHT

                practice family law. Everyone knows   When to call the Panel into play? If a   The  distinguished  Panel  members  who
                that divorce can be an emotional time   lawyer or judge believes that the conduct   have been appointed to carry out the purpose
                for those involved, and that includes   of another lawyer has been inconsistent   of the Panel are:
                the attorneys. As lawyers, our job   with the Principles of Professionalism, that   •  Marvin L. Karp
            I is to assist our clients in the most   lawyer may call the CMBA Bar Counsel   •  Deborah A. Coleman
            constructive ways so that families can move   Heather Zirke at (216) 696-3525. Bar   •  Frank R. DeSantis
            on to their newly defined lives. But, the   Counsel  makes  an  initial  determination   •  Barbara K. Roman
            divorce process can be tense and filled with   whether the matter should be referred to   •  Karen E. Rubin
            obstacles. It is human nature for even the   one of the nine Panel members or whether   •  Niki Z. Schwartz
            lawyers to react emotionally getting dragged   it constitutes a grievance under the Rules   •  Adrian D. Thompson
            into the quagmire of escalating behaviors.   of Professional Conduct (and therefore   •  Michael N. Ungar
              So what happens when the most well-  not referred to the Panel). If appropriate   •  Roger M. Synenberg
            intentioned lawyers get caught up in the fervor   for the Panel, the information will go to a
            of their client’s anger, fear, need for retribution?   Panel member and that member will take   Why call? The CMBA strongly urges all
            Why do some lawyers engage in frivolous   it from there.             Cuyahoga County lawyers and judges to make
            motion practice? Why do some stonewall   What happens next? The Panel member   use of this unique program and thereby help
            through intentional, unnecessary delays?   will then contact the complainant to get more   improve the level of professionalism for our legal
            Why do some pursue claims or defenses that   information. Next, the Panel Member contacts   community. Our clients and fellow practitioners
            lack merit? Why do some hold to an illusion   the lawyer who is the subject of the call. The   deserve the highest level of professionalism. For
            of  factual  dispute  where  no  genuine  dispute   identity of the complainant will be given to   those who face the dilemma of unprofessional
            exists? Why do some behave without civility   the lawyer unless circumstances warrant   conduct of a colleague, the conciliation panel
            in communications, oral and written? Why   keeping the identity confidential. If the targeted   can be just the ticket to a win-win. Therefore,
            do some harass and intimidate? Why do some   behavior is inconsistent with the Principles of   do not hesitate to call Bar Counsel if you have a
            add to the discord by inflaming the dialogue   Professionalism, the Panel member may provide   situation that you believe can benefit from this
            instead of trying to dispel conflict? It is because   the lawyer with the applicable professionalism   process or if you would like further information.
            we get caught up in the emotionality of our   principle to encourage and persuade the lawyer
            clients and we fail to separate our job and   to change his/her conduct. The Panel member
            professionalism from the turmoil. We have the   may take further necessary steps to resolve   Barbara K. Roman is a family law practitioner
            power to act appropriately. When we don’t, the   the situation through informal discussions,   with the law firm of Meyers, Roman, Friedberg
            CMBA Professionalism Panel can step in as a   counseling, mediation or other action to assist   & Lewis. Ms. Roman served as President of the
            referee and impartial confidant to offer a viable   the lawyer to act in an manner consistent with   CMBA in 2011–2012. She has been a CMBA
            resolution and get us back on track.   the Principles of Professionalism in the future.   member since 1992. She can be reached at
              The CMBA’s Professionalism Conciliation   What is the conciliation process? The   (216) 831-0042 or
            Panel was formed to constructively intervene   conciliation process is confidential and
            to improve the behavior and demeanor   voluntary.  The  purpose  of  the  conciliation  is   GET ENGAGED!
            of lawyers in Cuyahoga County in their   to improve the atmosphere or climate between
            interaction with each other and the courts.   lawyers and courts through the help of an   For information on how to join the
            The  Panel  utilizes  the  1997  Ohio  Supreme   impartial intermediary. For those who have   Ethics Committee or any section
            Court  Statement  of  Professionalism  and   participated, the feedback is that it was helpful   or committee, contact Samantha
            the 2013 Lawyer’s Creed of Professionalism   to have someone to turn to for help in getting   Pringle at (216) 696-3525 x 2008 or
            adopted by the CMBA as the guiding   a thorny professionalism issue solved efficiently,
            principles for the program.       respectfully and privately.
            NOVEMBER 2018                                                              CLEVELAND METROPOLITAN BAR JOURNAL | 9
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