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DeFranco                                                                                                     CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                DeFranco, Mark Anthony                (M)  Deighton, Eric T.               Delahunty III, Martin Stephen
                P: (216) 696-4600                     P: (216) 360-7200     F: (216) 360-7210  P: (330) 762-0700
                Mark A. DeFranco Law Offices, L.L.C.  Carlisle Law                         Slater & Zurz
                55 Public Square                      24755 Chagrin Blvd.                  One Cascade Olaza, Suite 2210
                Illuminating Bldg., Suite 1600        Suite 200                            Akron, OH 44308
                Cleveland, OH 44113                   Beachwood, OH 44122
                Cleveland State University            Case Western Reserve University
                                                      OH: 11/08/1999    1st: 11/08/1999
                (M)  DeFranco, Ralph T.               Deines, Brooke                       Delaney, John Carl
                P: (216) 696-4600     F: (216) 696-4606  P: (216) 308-3654                 P: (216) 861-2500
                Ralph T. DeFranco Co., LPA            Law Offices of Brooke Deines, LLC    614 Superior Avenue West
                The Illuminating Bldg.                P.O. Box 91426                       Rockefeller Building Room 662
                55 Public Square, Suite 1600          Cleveland, OH 44101                  Cleveland, OH 441130000
                Cleveland, OH 44113                   City University of New York
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                OH: 05/05/1973    1st: 06/09/1972
                (M)  DeGeeter, Pamela A.              (M)  Deioma, David B.                Delaney, Kelly Colleen
                P: (330) 252-6170                     Georgetown University                P: (216) 341-3413
                United States District Court          OH: 11/01/1965    1st: 11/01/1965    Deliberato Law Center
                U.S. Federal Courthouse                                                    6200 Rockside Road
                2 South Main Street                                                        Suite 300
                Akron, OH 44308-1813                                                       Independence, OH 44131
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Cleveland State University
                OH: 11/10/1997    1st: 11/01/1997
                DeGeeter, Timothy Joseph              Deiotte, Christopher Andrew          Delaney, Meghan Marie
                P: (216) 739-0047                     Cleveland State University           P: (440) 740-2116
                6009 Dawn Vista Oval                                                       Fisher & Phillips
                Parma, OH 44129                                                            9150 South Hills Blvd.
                Cleveland State University                                                 Cleveland, OH 44147
                                                                                           Cleveland State University

                DeGennaro, Susanne Marie              Dejelo, Patrick Jason                (M)  Delaney, Timothy
                P: (216) 337-3503                     P: (216) 622-8200                    P: (216) 861-2500     F: (216) 861-1583
                City of Cleveland                     Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP        Scully & Delaney
                601 Lakeside Avenue, Room 518         The Calfee Bldg, 1405 E 6th St       614 Superior Avenue, NW
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44114-1607             Cleveland, OH 44113
                Cleveland State University            Ohio State University                University of Toledo
                                                                                           OH: 11/19/1976    1st: 11/19/1976
                (M)  DeGrandis, Fred M.               DeJohn, Michael Christopher          Delay, Brendan Edward
                P: (216) 312-5059                     P: (216) 553-3047                    P: (440) 333-3708
                NorthShore Healthcare                 AmTrust Financial Services, Inc.     2001 Crocker Road
                3673 Bradfords Gate                   800 Superior Ave                     Suite 400
                Rocky River, OH 44116                 21st Floor                           Westlake, OH 44145
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114
                OH: 11/01/1978    1st: 11/01/1978
                (M)  DeGrandis, Ronald L.             DeJohn, Stephen Edward               Delchin, Steven Anton
                P: (216) 622-1080     F: (216) 522-1289  P: (216) 228-0000                 P: (800) 743-2773
                RSM US LLP                            Stephen E. DeJohn                    Squire Patton Boggs (US) LLP
                200 North Point Tower                 12550 Lake Ave #1311                 4900 Key Tower
                1001 Lakeside Avenue                  Lakewood, OH 44107                   127 Public Square
                Cleveland, OH 44114-1172                                                   Cleveland, OH 44114-1304
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Case Western Reserve University
                OH: 10/13/1973    1st: 10/13/1973
                DeGross, Charles Michael              Deka, Stefanie Leigh                 Delguyd, Joseph Anthony
                P: (216) 635-4340                     P: (216) 378-9914                    P: (216) 502-0588
                Charles M. DeGross, Attorney at Law   McGlinchey Stafford                  Jospeh A. Delguyd, Attorney at Law
                1400 East Schaaf Rd                   25550 Chagrin Blvd Suite 406         600 East Granger rd 2nd fl
                Brookyln Heights, OH 44131            Cleveland, OH 44122                  Independence, OH 44131-6706
                Cleveland State University            University of Akron

                DeGulis, Gregory John                 Del Col, John Joseph                 Delguyd, Matthew Paul
                P: (216) 621-1312                     P: (860) 378-4859                    P: (216) 363-4627
                McMahon DeGulis LLP                   General Electric                     Benesch Friedlander Coplan & Aronoff
                812 Huron Road                        2222 Detroit Ave Apt 1108            200 Public Sq, 23rd Floor
                #650                                  Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44114
                Cleveland, OH 44115                   University of Toledo                 Cleveland State University

                (M)  Dehn, Max E.                     Del Valle, Audrey                    (M)  Deliberato, Matthew D.
                P: (216) 621-7860     F: (216) 621-3415  P: (216) 443-8355                 P: (216) 341-3413
                Cavitch, Familo & Durkin Co., LPA     Cuyahoga County Public Defenders     The Deliberato Law Center, LLC
                1300 East 9th Street                  310 Lakeside, suite 400              6140 West Creek Road
                20th Floor                            Cleveland, OH 44113                  Suite 201
                Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland State University           Independence, OH 44131
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law                                          Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                OH: 11/01/2005    1st: 11/07/2005                                          OH: 05/01/1999    1st: 05/01/1999
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