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Dendrinos                                                                                                    CMBA 2018 Attorney roster

                (M)  Dendrinos, Callie                DeRamus, Monica Denise               (M)  DeRose, Carole A.
                P: (216) 861-5500     F: (216) 861-0704  P: (216) 324-2644                 P: (216) 621-1742     F: (216) 621-8465
                The Legal Aid Society of Cleveland    Monica D. DeRamus, Attorney          2072 South Green Road
                1223 West 6th Street                  PO Box 10480                         Cleveland, OH 44121-4243
                Cleveland, OH 44113-1301              Cleveland, OH 44110                  Case Western Reserve University
                University of Michigan                Cleveland State University           OH: 11/01/1963    1st: 11/01/1963
                OH: 05/15/2017    1st: 01/01/2012                                
                (M)  Denney, Jon E.                   Derbin, Michele L.                   Dertouzos, Nicholas Jay
                University of Michigan                P: (440) 746-4191                    P: (216) 621-7227
                OH: 11/01/1996    1st: 11/01/1964     6750 Miller Road                     Nicola, Gudbranson & Cooper, Llc
                       Brecksville, OH 44141                25 W. Prospect Avenue
                                                      Cleveland State University           Republic Bldg, Ste 1400
                                                                                           Cleveland, OH 44115
                                                                                           Case Western Reserve University
                Denney, Sarah Jean                    (M)  Derenthal, Jacob Ben            DeSantis, Brian Joseph
                P: (216) 698-2886                     P: (216) 928-2933     F: (216) 916-2341  P: (216) 520-0088
                Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office   Walter | Haverfield LLP              Pepple & Waggoner, Ltd.
                1200 Ontario Street                   The Tower At Erieview                5005 Rockside Rd.
                Justice Center Building, 9th floor    1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500     Suite 260
                Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44114-1821             Cleveland, OH 44131-6808
                Cleveland State University            Saint John’s University of New York   Ohio State University
                                                      OH: 11/01/2004    1st: 11/01/2004
                (M)  Dennis, Madeline B.              (M)  Dergham, Marianne               (M)  DeSantis, Frank R.
                P: (216) 592-5000     F: (216) 592-5009  P: (216) 443-8800     F: (216) 443-7750  P: (216) 566-5514     F: (216) 566-5800
                Tucker Ellis LLP                      Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations   Thompson Hine LLP
                950 Main Avenue                       Court                                3900 Key Center
                Suite 1100                            One West Lakeside Avenue, Room 135   127 Public Square
                Cleveland, OH 44113                   Cleveland, OH 44113                  Cleveland, OH 44114-1291
                Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Gonzaga University School of Law
                OH: 11/17/2014    1st: 11/17/2014     OH: 01/01/2012    1st: 01/01/2012    OH: 11/01/1983    1st: 01/01/1980
                Dent, Rebecca Holloway                Derivan, Sharon Katherine            (M)  Desberg, Gary S.
                P: (216) 896-9191                     P: (330) 252-6062                    P: (216) 292-5807     F: (216) 292-5867
                Kozusko Harris Vetter Wareh Duncan, LLP  U.S. District Court-N.D. Ohio     Singerman, Mills, Desberg & Kauntz Co.,
                25201 Chagrin Blvd., Suite 370        526 U.S. Courthouse                  L.P.A.
                Beachwood, OH 44122                   2 South Main Street                  3333 Richmond Road, Suite 370
                                                      Akron, OH 44308                      Beachwood, OH 44122
                                                                                           Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                           OH: 11/01/1985    1st: 11/01/1985
                (M)  DeNuzzo, Noreen                  Derkin, William Scott                (M)  Deseran, Sophia M.
                P: (216) 586-7504     F: (216) 579-0212                                    P: (216) 928-2969     F: (216) 916-2405
                Jones Day                                                                  Walter | Haverfield LLP
                North Point                                                                The Tower At Erieview
                901 Lakeside Avenue                                                        1301 East 9th Street, Suite 3500
                Cleveland, OH 44114                                                        Cleveland, OH 44114-1821
                Case Western Reserve University                                            Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                OH: 04/28/1986    1st: 04/28/1986                                          OH: 05/18/1992    1st: 05/18/1992
                DePerro, Dayna Marie                  DeRoberts, David Noel                DeShon-Funk, Michelle
                P: (216) 575-0777                     P: (216) 319-6143                    P: (216) 689-0346
                Kelly & Ferraro LLP                   7120 Marcelline Court                Key Bank National Assoc
                950 Main Ave                          Cleveland, OH 44125                  127 Public Square
                Suite 1300                            Cleveland State University           Mail Code: OH-01-27-0200
                Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44114
                Cleveland State University                                                 Cleveland State University
                DePiero, Daniel Raymond               (M)  DeRoche, James A.               (M)  Desimone, John P.
                P: (216) 210-4455                     P: (216) 696-9330     F: (216) 696-8558  P: (216) 696-3030     F: (216) 696-3492
                5581 Ridge Rd                         Garson Johnson LLC                   Kadish, Hinkel & Weibel
                Parma, OH 44129                       101 West Prospect Avenue             1360 East 9th Street
                Cleveland State University            Midland Bldg., Suite 1610            Suite 400
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44115                  Cleveland, OH 44114-2803
                                                      Case Western Reserve University      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/18/1991    1st: 11/18/1991    OH: 11/08/1993    1st: 11/08/1993
                (M)  DePiero, Dean E.                 (M)  DeRosa, James D.                DeSimone, Kimberly Ann
                P: (330) 995-8866                     P: (216) 664-4052                    P: (216) 337-7167
                City of Aurora                        City of Cleveland                    Cleveland State University
                130 S. Chillicotte Road               601 Lakeside Avenue
                Aurora, OH 44202                      Room 518
                Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland, OH 44114
                OH: 11/14/1994    1st: 11/14/1994     Case Western Reserve University
                OH: 01/01/1995    1st: 01/01/1995
                DePiero, Nicholas James               (M)  DeRosa, Joseph C.               Deskins, Catana Elizabeth
                University of Akron                   P: (216) 621-8700     F: (216) 621-8713  P: (440) 823-9387
                                                      Wincek & DeRosa Co., LPA             3300 East 87th Street
                                                      820 Superior Avenue West             Cleveland, OH 44127
                                                      Suite 630                            Cleveland State University
                                                      Cleveland, OH 44113
                                                      Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                      OH: 11/01/1979    1st: 11/01/1979
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