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CMBA 2018 Attorney roSter                                                                     Hanawalt

                    Hall, Mary Elaine                    Hamamey II, David Anthony             (M)  Hammack, Elizabeth R.
                    P: (216) 548-7457                    P: (440) 429-3140                     P: (216) 767-8205
                    Mary Elaine Hall, Esq.               Hamamey Law Firm L.L.C.               University Hospitals Health System, Inc.
                    245 Leader Building                  P.O. Box 30543                        UH Management Services Center
                    526 Superior Ave., E.                Middleburg Heights, OH 441307010      3605 Warrensville Center Road
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland State University            Shaker Hts., OH 44122
                    Cleveland State University                                                 Case Western Reserve University
                                                                                               OH: 11/05/2007    1st: 01/01/2004
                    (M)  Hall, Nathaniel P.              (M)  Hamed, Michael R.                (M)  Hammer, Daniel W.
                    P: (216) 781-5470     F: (216) 781-0714  P: (216) 696-6700     F: (216) 696-6772  P: (216) 566-5643     F: (216) 566-5800
                    Ziegler Metzger LLP                  Kushner & Hamed Co., LPA              Thompson Hine LLP
                    1111 Superior Ave E Ste 1000         1375 East 9th Street                  3900 Key Center
                    Cleveland, OH 44114-2568             Suite 1930                            127 Public Square
                    Loyola University-Chicago            Cleveland, OH 44114                   Cleveland, OH 44114-1291
                    OH: 05/06/2013    1st: 11/30/2010    University of Pennsylvania            University of Notre Dame
                       OH: 05/01/1998    1st: 05/01/1998     OH: 11/01/1959    1st: 11/01/1959
                    Hall, Rhonda Gail                    (M)  Hamilton, Amy Berman             Hammer, Lisa Ann
                    P: (440) 683-9510                    P: (216) 621-7227     F: (216) 621-3999  P: (440) 667-6778
                    Progressive Northern Insurance Company  Nicola Gudbranson & Cooper, LLC    5760 SHERWOOD DRIVE
                    625 Alpha Dr.                        1400 Republic Bldg.                   NORTH OLMSTED, OH 44070
                    Box #011B                            25 West Prospect Avenue               University of Toledo
                    Highland Heights, OH 44143           Cleveland, OH 44115-1066
                    University of Toledo                 Cleveland-Marshall College of Law
                                                         OH: 11/07/1988    1st: 11/07/1988
                    Hall, Stephanie N.                   (M)  Hamilton, Brooke Leigh           Hammersmith, Megan Elizabeth
                    P: (216) 987-4441                    P: (216) 522-1692                     P: (216) 689-5814
                    Cuyahoga Community College           Gallagher Sharp                       KeyBank
                    2500 East 22nd Street                Bulkley Building                      127 Public Square
                    Cleveland, OH 44115                  1501 Euclid Avenue, 6th Floor         OH-01-27-0364
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44115-2113              Cleveland, OH 44114
                                                         Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     University of Akron
                                                         OH: 11/07/2016    1st: 11/07/2016
                    (M)  Hallbauer, John A.              Hamilton, Kelly Lynn                  Hammond, Brett Stokes
                    P: (216) 363-1400     F: (216) 579-1020  P: (216) 566-2193                 Washington University
                    Buckley King LPA                     The Sherwin Williams Company
                    1400 Fifth Third Center              101 W. Prospect Avenue
                    600 Superior Avenue, E.              1200 Midland Building
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44115
                    Case Western Reserve University      Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/01/1966    1st: 11/01/1966
                    Haller, Jason George                 Hamilton, Kristina Ann                Hammond, Kim Marie
                    P: (216) 443-8375                                                          P: (216) 771-6500
                    Cuyahoga County Public Defender’s                                          Keith D Weiner & Assoc Co LPA
                    Office                                                                     75 Public Square
                    310 Lakeside Avenue, Suite 400                                             4th Floor
                    Cleveland, OH 44113                                                        Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Case Western Reserve University                                            Cleveland State University
                    (M)  Halliday, Brian J.              (M)  Hamilton, Lauren K.              Hammons-Brown, Terri McNair
                    P: (216) 896-0855     F: (216) 896-0724  P: (216) 644-3170                 P: (216) 443-5807
                    Ritter Halliday LLP                  Nueva Luz Urban Resource Center (Non   Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office
                    3789 Green Road                      Profit)                               9300 Quincy Avenue
                    Beachwood, OH 44122                  2226 W 89th St                        4th Floor
                    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law    Cleveland, OH 44102                   Cleveland, OH 44106
                    OH: 05/21/2001    1st: 05/21/2001    Cleveland-Marshall College of Law     Cleveland State University
                         OH: 12/06/2012    1st: 12/06/2012
                    Hallisy, Lindsay M.                  (M)  Hamilton Jr., Richard Thomas     Hampton, Bruce Edward
                    P: (216) 870-7353                    P: (216) 687-8433     F: (216) 583-7001  P: (216) 781-4099
                    PNC Bank, NA                         Ulmer & Berne LLP                     Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Auth.
                    3297 N Sandy LN                      Skylight Office Tower                 1240 West Sixth Street
                    Avon, OH 44011                       1660 West 2nd Street, Suite 1100      Cleveland, OH 44113
                    Cleveland State University           Cleveland, OH 44113-1448
                                                         Duquesne University
                                                         OH: 11/06/1989    1st: 12/02/1987
                    (M)  Halper, Michael F.              Hamilton, Thomas Allan                (M)  Han, Michelle C.
                    P: (440) 871-4022     F: (440) 871-9567  P: (216) 586-7036                 P: (440) 263-8420     F: (216) 236-7206
                    Corsaro & Associates Co., LPA        Jones Day                             Law Offices of Micheller C. Han, LLC
                    28039 Clemens Road                   North Point, 901 Lakeside Ave         25688 Danielle Drive
                    Westlake, OH 44145                   Cleveland, OH 44114-1190              Westlake, OH 44145
                    Case Western Reserve University      Case Western Reserve University       Case Western Reserve University
                    OH: 11/09/2009    1st: 11/09/2009                                          OH: 05/09/2005    1st: 05/09/2005
                    Halpern, Joshua Benjamin             Hamm Jr., George Edward               Hanawalt, Katherine Suzanne
                    Taft Stettinius & Hollister LLP      P: (216) 687-3543                     P: (216) 739-5130
                    200 Public Square                    Cleveland State University            Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co., L.P.A.
                    Suite 3500                           2121 Euclid Ave AC327                 965 Keynote Circle
                    Cleveland, OH 44114                  Cleveland, OH 44115-2214              Cleveland, OH 44131
                    Cleveland State University           Case Western Reserve University       Cleveland State University

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